A bill, introduced in the U.S. House yesterday and strongly supported by the National Association of Realtors®, would impose a deadline of 45 days on lenders to respond to short sale request. The legislation, the “Prompt Decision for Qualification for Short Sale Act of 2011,” was offered in Cong
For many people, the sale of their house is the most complex legal procedure they will face in their lifetime. If you assume you can do all the work on your own, you might be putting yourself at risk by not using the right forms, using the wrong wording in the sales contract, or not filling out t
Cathy Q: Can I ask why it is that REO agents cannot update their inventory in the MLS? I have wasted untold hours yesterday and today writing an offer for a buyer because the listing agent would not return my call until AFTER the offer was submitted (19 hours) only to tell me the property had bee
Housing inventory around the country is on the rise, as sellers look to capitalize on the spring home buying season. Home sale inventory was up 2.97% in March and up 6.83% over the three months ended in March, according to the Altos Research 10-City Composite Index. The index is a statistical c
Starting in April, a series of technology enhancements are being implemented to improve the short sale process. Agents can now initiate a short sale in Equator prior to marketing the property. The benefits of this type of "pre-offer program " will include gaining investor agreement for a list
I have to ask is there a value - once registered then what ? Oh is this just a State / County back door, or does it provide a readymade list for code compliance officers to check up on properties and help maintain property values. How well is it working in your area ? PENDING GA. House Bill
HB 110 Vacant Properties Registration This bill will function as a statewide framework for registries of vacant properties. Vacant Properties definition has been narrowed in the substitute to be defined as (a) any property intended for human habitation that has not been lawfully inhabited for
Over and Over again I have heard buyers asking when will the Buyer incentives be back... I guess buyers have learned that lenders will roll out Buyer Incentive all they have to do is wait. So here you are buyers the NEWEST Fannie Mae Buyer Program . Fannie Mae will offer up to 3.5% closing cost a
Where does your city rank - The upper Midwest Hold 3 of the 10 spots with cities # 1 Green Bay, Wis. # 2 Madson Wis. # 3 Minneapolis, Minn. - # 9 Fargo, ND - my collage town #10 Sioux Falls, SD The average credit score, one of the best measures of financial responsibility, is finally starting t
This is our what are FMLS says a Traditional short sale is when the lender agrees to accept a mortgage payoff that doesn't cover the outstanding loan. The 2 options we offer in our system for listing and searching are “potential short sale” and “short sale pre-approved.” FMLS has no way of det