Eleanor's RTP Blog

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Mortgage and Lending - Equity Resources - NMLS 67179 Licensed in NC
Covering housing and economic trends of all points surrounding the RTP / RDU (Research Triangle Park), including the major markets of Cary, Holly Springs, Raleigh, Wake Forest, Chapel Hill, Durham and Johnston County.
Many First Time Homebuyers in North Carolina get confused about Home Owners Insurance, and how it’s paid.   Homeowner’s Insurance is required to cover the property against fire and other “disasters.”  When you are getting quotes and getting pre-qualified,  we give you an estimate that has an escr...
We hear ”I Don’t Want My Credit Pulled Because It Will Lower My Credit Scores!” on a fairly regular basis.  As loan officers, we can’t really get a good picture of what you qualify for without the credit report – and often time someone has called us right after they got off the phone with a diffe...
In a nutshell, the main reason people move to Raleigh are; the wonderful economy and employment opportunities, great place to start a business and raise a family, the beautiful landscape, world-class education options and overall quality of life.  What was once a mild capitol city mostly made up...
The American Dream Down payment Initiative was a program initially offered through the Bush Administration to help with the Housing collapse.  The program offered First time home buyers up to $8,000 for use toward the down payment and closing costs. This program actually came as a loan that had n...
FHA has two forms of PMI on each loan.  One part if charged upfront, at closing, and it is generally added to the loan amount.  There’s no way for that FHA PMI to refunded or “cancelled.”  It’s just there.  The second part of FHA PMI is what is paid on a monthly basis.  There are some opportuniti...
Effective October 1, 2013 the USDA Home Loan Maps in NC will be changing.  We have printed off the comparision of what works NOW and what will be in-eligible for the USDA Home Loan program this fall.  Belmont and Gastonia NC are areas close to Charlotte, NC that will see significant changes. This...
If you are purchasing a Condominium in NC, and you are interested in getting a FHA Mortgage to help with that purchase, you need to check and see that the Homeowner Association (HOA) is already on the approved list by FHA.  Townhomes also share similar risks as Condominiums, however FHA no longer...
We’ve known for a while that unless Congress votes otherwise – the USDA Home Loan footprint across the country is changing.  This is a pretty major issue, because USDA Home Loans are only available to folks who are purchasing a home within the USDA “Footprint.”  These are one hundred percent, no ...
I’ve never accepted a guest post on our site – however, I received a letter from a borrower who is frustrated by the FHA Streamline Refinance System.  The Borrower (who lives in NC) has a FHA loan, and wants to take advantage of the low FHA Mortgage Rates – however, her loan was endorsed 11 days ...
We've talked to a ton of First Time Homebuyers this Spring who want to buy a home in NC - but they are finding it to be a somewhat difficult process, especially with the new NC First Time Homebuyer Program that requires even higher credit scores.   I made a series of this inspirational messages ...

Eleanor Thorne

Advantage Lending 919-649-5058
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