In North Carolina, we don’t have a ton of properties that are sitting in a high risk of flood, but there are some properties in almost every county, with a particular concentration in the Eastern part of the State. In some cases, the whole lot is not in the flood plain, only a portion of the lot
FHA Appraisers have certain requirements that go above those required of a Conventional Appraiser. Because of that, FHA Appraisals are more detailed, and are usually at least $50 or more expensive. Structural Requirements for FHA Loans means that the Appraiser must note that the Utilities are on
Down Payment for a home is generally believed to be the biggest obstacle facing first time home buyers in NC. About 11% of conventional mortgages written in the 2nd quarter of 2017 had an LTV above 95%, which is double the same period just 1 year earlier. Couple that with the fact that the Ho
For the last 30 plus years I’ve been a Lender we could not make a loan to anyone who had a tax lien attached to their credit report. But what if it isn’t a lien, what if you just OWE the Federal Government money? Can you buy a house with a tax lien, or a tax liability?The PROBLEM with owing tax
The First Time Home Buyer Loans NC are specifically designed for first time home buyers who want to buy a house with little to no money out of your bank account! Because one of the biggest things holding Millennials back, is CASH, having first time home buyer loans NC offer down payment mortgage
Because of all of the changes coming to the USDA Maps in NC – we are getting inquiries from folks who are going to use a FHA Loan for a home that is in a more rural setting. Many of these homes do not have public water systems, and that’s okay with FHA. They require that homes in NC are connect
Now that the Economy has improved, more kids are graduating from college and getting jobs… many of our friends are ready to help their kids buy a house in NC! “Get My Kid Out Of My House!” is more than just a fervent wish – parents are ready to HELP their children buy their first home, and there
There’s a new $8000 First Time Home Buyer Program in NC that will become available on March 1, 2018. It is a unique program that will be available in every NC county. There are pros and cons to all of the First Time Home Buyer programs offered, and we will try and highlight those. First Time Ho
NCHFA offers a great program that allows us to give you a credit for having a mortgage, and the credit generally allows us to qualify you for a little bigger home. The Income Limits for the County you are interested in buying a home in may have changed a little bit, some NC County MCC Limits went
An Authorized User account normally refers to Credit Cards. When a creditor allows an “Authorized User”, they give permission to the person originally approved for credit on the account to allow a spouse or other designated person to make charges to the account. Generally, the authorized user is