Summertime and the Living is Easy: Summer Food in the South, is Unique! I guess as you have guessed it by now I am from Virginia. I have family all over the state of North Carolina. So I was raised on Southern and county food. I would like to share with you a few STRANGE ALL TIME FAVORITES OF...
The Hatpin: Deadliest Fashion Accessory In History! Let me start with you know from one of pervious Blogs I have a small antique hat collection. Well, one could simply not have a hat collection without a hat pin collection to go along with it. Thank goodness the pins do not take up much space!...
You May Leave Your Hat On! I have a secret obsession with HATS! Yes I have a small collection of antique hats, which I love! The first thing I do when I go to an antiquing is I try on any hat I see. Then I take a selfie or have whoever is unfortunate to be with me take pictures. This is my r...
Green Is The Color of a Delicious Fried Green Tomato! My mother and both my grandmothers were obsessed with these delicious round crispy orbs of goodness. During tomato season you see Fried Green Tomatoes on our meal table whether it was breakfast, lunch or dinner. There was never any leftovers...
John, Please, put that Pop Tart Back You Just Ate a Pack! I have a 68 year old friend. He is obsessed with Pop Tarts. Yes, you read that correct Pop Tarts. This has been an obsession of his since he was a child. His mother use to have to hide them from him as he would eat the whole box in o...