Dan's Cincinnati Ohio Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Comey & Shepherd Realtors
I attended a seminar today about the changes that are happening in the sub-prime mortgage market that was hosted by Rick Pilger, an ActiveRain Mortgage Consultant.  I wanted to educate myself on the changes occurring in the sub-prime and high LTV (Loan To Value) mortgage markets.Here are some of ...
Now that the first half of 2007 is over, how are you doing with your business goals so far? It's been another good year for some and a tough year for many, because as the market changed, not everyone changed with it.Why is that?It's all between your ears!  You make your own "economy" based on wha...
Do you ever get an "Ah-Ha"?  Sure, you do! I recently came upon a realization that makes sense...one that can simplify how one looks at their life and in what direction they want to go in versus just floating along in life.The 3 words of importance here are: CHOICES......WANTS......NEEDS We are w...
Take a moment to review my last post and this will tie the two together much easier.I write these "Agent Success Tips" LIVE and up to the minute and then I post them, but sometimes I have ideas that I've come up with earlier, so I write them down to remember them.Anyway, "on with the show" as the...
You might disagree with what I'm about to tell you and that's OK.Many "so -called experts" would think I'm wrong for thinking this way and I'm fine with that.But what I want to share with you can make a HUGE difference in your life.Even though it's one of the simplest things to do, it's also one ...
I don't know about you, but why do home sellers and their agents insist on calling a 2 bedroom home a 3 bedroom home when you go upstairs and have to walk through one open area (called a bedroom) to access the real and only bedroom upstairs.  This is most prevelent in cape cod (1.5 story) homes.A...
How important are the next 30 days in your life? Well, you won't get them back once they're gone. Will you just go through your daily routine...half-heartedly and with no sense of urgency? How much can you implement in your real estate business and complete in that time? Today is a new day for yo...
What is your mindset for having open houses? Do you eagerly anticipate lots of buyers walking through or do you dread the thought of another wasted day? Well, whichever way you feel about open houses will come true most of the time. So if you're going to hold an open house, you might as well do i...
The thoughts you think before dozing off to sleep at night - as well as the thoughts you think first thing in the morning, are extremely powerful.Yet, the average person is often unaware about what they think about during these very important time frames.What you say when you talk to yourself in ...
I was scanning the real estate classified ads in the local paper yesterday and what I saw was absolutely amazing.There were a lot of ads that looked like they were written 5 minutes before the ad deadline.Did they put the ad in the paper just to appease the seller?"Oh, Mr. & Mrs. Seller, I put an...

Dan Weis

Cincy Real Estate Advisor
smartphone(513) 615-1890
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