Educating Real Estate Agents On How To Use Modern Technologies To Better Their Business Will Never Be The Same! On April 6th, 2010 dozens of the most respected educators in the real estate industry converge to host most exciting event of its kind, the Virtual Real Estate BarCamp. Virtual Real Est
HOME BUYER TAX CREDIT EXTENDED AND EXPANDED What are you waiting for? The awesome opportunity for a first time home buyer to receive $8000 free money from Uncle Sam was due to expire later this month. On November 6th, the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 wa
The last Saturday in April of each year is a special day in downtown Bloomsburg, PA. For over 20 years, Main Street is closed from early morning until early evening for a street fair. Renaissance Jamboree is a celebration of Spring where everyone comes out to enjoy lots of food provided by al
Don't miss the window of opportunity! There couldn't be a better time to buy! Affordable prices, historic low interest rates (as low as the World War II era), and FREE MONEY FROM UNCLE SAM! That's February the new and improved tax credit expanded the $7500 tax credit (which was simi
Real estate continues to be the best investment on the planet. Of course, it is a long term investment where you can build equity and appreciation as well as enjoy the tax benefits of home ownership. The new stimulus plan that was passed in February 2008 included a tax credit to first time home
One weekend each and every July the town of Bloomsburg, PA will be overrun with truck enthusiasts. The exciting summer 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals are hosted at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. Over 3,000 custom 4x4 trucks compete in various events including a ride and drive obstacle course, mud dr
The Progressive Farmer Magazine, published since 1886, has released its fourth annual top ten rankings of the Best Places to Live in Rural America 2008. Their selection is based on school quality, access to health care, low crime, and affordable farmland. This year they offered extra credit to c
Well the results are in! My company, Century 21 Covered Bridges Realty, Inc. had a record breaking year in 2007. We even had three agents break their personal best year. We again lead the marketplace and outsold our nearest two competitors combined. According to the multiple listing service
Tush Push, Badonkadonk, Bow Legged, Settlin, Cruisin, Red High Heels, Waltz Across Texas, Irish Stew! What are they? Living in rural Pennsylvania, country music is enjoyed by many on their radio
This morning was an ugly day in Bloomsburg. It had been raining very hard since last evening. My daughters called me at 9:30 a.m. and asked if I'd like to go along with them to the fall craft show to be held at the Columbia Montour Area Vocational Technical School today. I think everyone in ou