Hard money loans can take on many different forms. Sometimes they are very short term loans that are used for a matter of hours, as with those that are used as equity loans for down payments on deals where an intermediary sells a property they've owned for a very short period of time. Other har...
Financing for dentists with easy qualifying and low rates is a reality at Dividend America. Dental practice financing is our specialty and we help dentists obtain the capital they need to grow their practices in Atlanta, GA or Phoenix, AZ or any major city in the USA. Dental practice loans can b...
The recent economic situation made it difficult to find Apartment Loans, however, financing for apartments has become easier in recent months. Apartment complex loans are available for a variety of property types from small apartment buildings to large apartment complexes located in Atlanta, GA,...
Gas Station financing for a gas station purchase or for refinancing of an existing gas station loan used to be more difficult that it is today. With the SBA 504 loan for gas stations it has become a lot easier to get approval on this type of property. Gas stations with convenience stores are the...
With the shortage of medical professionals in the USA loans for dentists are becoming a necessity. Professionals that practice dentistry can get special business loans for dentists. The loans are designed to finance a dentist practice. Business loans for dentists can be used for a business star...
Physician loans, loans for doctors or loans for physicians, it doesn't matter what you call them professionals in the medical profession often find it difficult to locate the financing they need to run and grow their businesses. The amount of work that doctors do and the stress they are under me...
100% Financing for Doctors and Dentist is currently available and Dividend America is proud to announce that we now have up to 100% financing for Doctors and Dentist and Medical Professionals. The special programs allow doctors or dentist access to the important cash and capital they need to st...
SBA 504 Refinance loans are available for existing businesses and may be used to refinance real estate mortgages that may be coming due. The SBA 504 refinance loan program has been expanded for a few years to give business people and commercial property owners a little breathing room while the b...
How to apply for a SBA Loan? There are many ways a business person can do this. Some people say to start the application at the US Small Business Administration Office. Surely you'll find some experts that can help you there, but there is a better way to apply for a SBA loan. Whetherr you need...
SBA 504 loans are becoming very popular. With lending still stuck in the doldrums and banks unwilling to make loans even SBA loans can be hard to get approved. If you are seeking an SBA 504 loan and your bank has turned you down there can be many reasons why. When interviewing one SBA 504 loan ...