Dirk Danos's (dirkdanos) Blog

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Education & Training - Tax Crisis Rescue - LA CPA 27402
IRS Letters saying that you owe back taxes or have unpaid tax debt are scary. I get calls from concerned clients regularly who want to know what they mean. If you file a tax return and do not pay the tax due on that return, you will get a series of notices asking you to pay up. The notices start ...
If you don't have money to pay what you owe the IRS, your tax attorney has a few options to work with. Your Tax Attorney will tell you whatever you do, don’t ignore the letters from the IRS and don’t let your back tax problem go unattended. The IRS has a great deal of power when it comes to recov...
The book is available for purchase on Amazon... OR Download an electronic copy HERE for Free! If you're in New Orleans, LA give us a call at 800-433-0986 or email info@taxcrisisrescue.com  Visit our website at www.taxcrisisrescue.com
A letter from the IRS about your tax debt is rarely a good thing. One of the worst missives to get from the tax man is the CP90 – Final Notice Before Levy. It is a final warning shot to scare you into paying up and should NOT be ignored. After an IRS final notice, you could: Pay in full - but if ...
If you are nearby New Orleans, LA and need help with IRS collections or IRS tax debt contact us to find out how to end the harrassment.  www.taxcrisisrescue.com Owing money to the IRS or State can be daunting, intimidating and throw your life out of whack. You might be tempted to just hide your h...

Dirk Danos CPA CTRS

Protecting taxpayer rights by finding affordable s
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