David's Blog

Home Inspector - Helm Home Inspections
My blogs are open to anyone willing to read them. I invite comments on all topics and will respond to any and all comments as soon as I can.
Hi all.  I've read a number of blogs concerning historic home renovation, and the pitfalls of buying them to flip.  Bellingham has an association of historic home owners.  They do a tour every year.  The homes I'm showing in this blog are not on a tour, not for sale.  They are a representative lo...
Well it just happened.  I'm sitting here at my computer, after midnight, looking at AR blogs, when my phone rings. It was my business cell so I answered it, as I always do.  I'm sure everyone out there gets the spam about someone in some faraway country wants to use your account to bring in Milli...
I know that many home inspectors have stories (some of them horror) of inspections that did not go exactly as planned.  On the HI groups blog there is one about a very dangerous person, with gun, that happened to be in the house.  My own little story is nowhere near as nasty as that one, but it h...
Here are some more pictures from my garden. I promised Lisa Hammerstein I would post more so here are some.  It's raining today, so these are from a couple of days ago.  Enjoy.                                     This year looks like it is going to be a bumper crop of cherries.  My oldest grandso...
The following photos are of a few interesting plants in my garden.  The gardens are quite large and have many unusual and interesting perennial plants.  This garden is located just outside the town of Bellingham, Wa. at approximately 49 degrees north latitude (just south of the British Columbia b...
Just thought I'd post a few pictures of June 1st in my gardens.  My wife and I work hard to create what feels to us is paradise.  Our little acre and a half, with pond, is just magnificant in the early summer.  We've had two daughters married here.  We love eating out on the deck by the pond, sit...
On Friday evening July 6 there will be a new free event in Bellingham.  It is called the Bay Street Co-Motion.  This is the evening of the downtown Gallery Walk. The Co-Motion, sponsored by the City of Bellingham and the Bellingham Arts Commission will consist of live music and dancing from 7PM t...
The following photos are reasons home inspectors need to go into crawl spaces.                             Photo above: Post in contact with soil; wet                         Photo above: Post in contact with soil: rot                            Unsupported electrical wires                       ...
Now that I am no longer building fine structures to live in, my creative urges are finding new outlets.  Just thought I would show the latest piece out of my woodworking shop.  We've had the same old coffee table for fifteen years and were getting kind of tired of it.  This is my first true foray...
These are some photos of the ongoing Bellingham Farmers Market.  The market has been going on for quite a few years.  Up till last year it was all temporary tents in a parking lot.  Through some very successful private fund raising and some local municipal funds, a permanent space with permanent ...

David Helm

Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp
local_phone(360) 739-5751
smartphone(360) 739-5751
Contact The Author
My blogs offer a wide range of topics, from home inspection to cooking to woodworking to gardening to local area information and photos. I love talking about Bellingham, Washington and its surrounding area. Home inspection is my work; life is my passion.