38% drop in sales volume 2010 vs, 2007, sold price down 18%. 2008 decline in sales price is outside of standad deviation due to decreased sales and a $1.2m sale. Statistical Market Analysis Status# ListingsList VolumeSold Volume List PriceSold PriceSale/List PriceSq. Ft.List Price Per Sq. Ft.Sold...
# of sales dropped 18.5%, sale price dropped 25%! "the times they are achangin"! Statistical Market Analysis Status# ListingsList VolumeSold Volume List PriceSold PriceSale/List PriceSq. Ft.List Price Per Sq. Ft.Sold Price Per Sq. Ft.Days On MarketCumulative Days On Market Sold 135 26,179,345 24...
Happy to see sales have increased so far in 2010 as compared to the same period in 2009. I feel we will have a major increase in sales 1st quarter 2010 vs. 1st quarter 2009. Interesting the increased in sales year over year is 8.2%, decrease in sold price is 6.7%. Is this an indication the real ...
The Downtown Racine Lakefront wakes up for Summer 2009 this weekend with the 55th Annual Kiwanis Pancake Day at Festival Hall in Racine's Harbor, and an Art Fair. The 28th annual Lakefront Artist Fair, sponsored by Racine Montessori School, will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 2, at R...
Hunkered Down Consumers (buyers included) are Beginning to Emerge after seeking shelter from the storm. Was it the 'perfect storm' as defined by Wikpedia... "the simultaneous occurrence of events which, taken individually, would be far less powerful than the storm resulting of their chance combin...
Real Estate is local. The overall Real Estate market in the United States affects all local markets. Local markets will reach the bottom of their specific market(s) at different times. Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming, and a few other states that have not, generally speaking anyway, been victims of p...
Listing properties nowadays brings a myriad of challenges. Proper pricing, convincing sellers of the actual value of their property, even with the most detailed market analysis, is the biggest challenge. I normally do a traditional market analysis, followed by another analysis of sold prices vs. ...
To: Deutsche Bank, Countrywide Mortgage, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Chase Bank Home Mortgage, US Bank, LaSalle Bank... Please consider the following: 1) Use an Experienced Full-Time Real Estate Professional that actually knows where the property is located. 2) Prepare the property. Make sure i...
Good things are happening in Racine Wi. We have the challenges brought on by the national economy, but Racine is moving forward, in small steps, but forward. Our Real Estate market did not experience the double digit appreciation that many other markets had, and because of this, our market adjust...
I have a Seller that is considering a short sale, the lender has all but agreed to it. The difference is about $12,000.00, the lender said as long as the PMI company agrees to it, they expect it will be approved, the short sale will be approved. The Seller asked the lender if they will file a jud...