What is the cost of my free advice to prospective home buyers? All my advice is not right for everyone all the time. Here's a true story. Peter Jacobsen, a PGA golfer, tells this story about himself. After 20 plus years of grinding away in obscurity and mediocrity on the PGA Tour, he decided t
Most people looking for a home believe themselves to be in Browse mode. As time passes they begin to seek advice from many sources, read the ads, go to open houses, and before long "end up" working with an agent who found them - and not the other way around.... They don't realize they are carryi
$100. If you are thinking of taking a home buyers class here in ND, then today you can save/earn $100. http://www.ndhfa.org/Default.asp?nMenu=0348 Homebuyer Education If you are interested in homeownership, attend The Village Homebuyer Education Program to learn about purchasing and owning a h
Homebuyers who come into contact with me the first time are interested in property. They are not looking for a relationship. Like me or anyone, they are not looking to hand out personal information to A SALESMAN!. It helps to understand what they dread...how to beat the fear ...fix the dread...
The Price of Admission.People who browse on realty websites often ask.... "Why do I have to give my name?"My website is like a family general store. We have all the free items for public consumption in the front of the store. Our store is divided into two parts.... the public part.... the other
I have a friendly business proposal to make to some of my good competitors. Maybe you who list property have some comments?Everyone who lists property will have an occasional expired listing that is going slow.... sometimes the sellers are tempted to go a different direction. And once those ex
Realtors work all hours and often forget to celebrate church activities during the week. Today was All Saints day... the day when some of us take an hour, or a day, and remember what we are here for, the glory we are headed for, and the wonderment of countless All Star heros who are intercedin
Hi again Amy... this is a followup analysis on the link I just sent you. The link shows the 22 homes that sold since 5/21 between 300,000 and above. I'm not going to send them now but there were exactly 102 homes newly listed since 5/21. That means that 80% of the sellers out there have had an
Today's HumorMr Lee was terribly overweight, so his doctor put him in a diet."I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least 5 pounds."When Mr Lee returned, he shocked the doctor by losing nearly
Have you noticed the interest rates are now falling? That doesnt seem to make the news.