North Liberty IA Real Estate Market: Home Sales in the 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2011 Keeping on top of market reports is turning out to be a challenge in the summer months when I'm busy. I'm doubling up with my quarterly reports and giving you two for one this time round by looking at 2nd and 3rd quar
Coralville IA Real Estate Market: Home Sales in the 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2011 Yesterday I looked at home sales in Iowa City, today its Coralville's turn. The data is from the Iowa City MLS and shows home sales in Coralville in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. This year it makes sense to look at data from
With house prices as low as they are and the 30 yr fixed interest rate below 4% you'd expect the real estate market to be hopping. That's not quite the case. Home sales in Iowa City remain steady this month. Homes sold in October to date are up to 20. That's a couple more than last year at this t
Glorious sunshine, pleasant temps and low humidity. The weather in Iowa is about as good as it gets this October! This week I spent a lot of time in North Liberty. Not only was I out with a client looking at homes in North Liberty, I also listed a condo there and needed to take some photos for th
Iowa City Real Estate Market: Home Sales in the 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2011 Lately in my market reports I've been talking about how the 3rd quarter has picked up considerably. It's difficult to prove that since I didn't have time to do quarterly market reports for the 2nd quarter in June. I'm going
The CCPA had it's open house on Saturday celebrating the National Arts & Humanities Month. It was about time I visited the place I drive past daily and blog about all the time. And with them having an open house in the luxury condominiums above the Theater I knew it would be worth my while to mak
Even without waiting for everyone who closed today to update their listings on the MLS, the good news is that home sales for September in Iowa City are already up compared to last year. 37 homes sold in Iowa City this month compared to 34 in September 2010. Keep in mind that number is likely to r
If you haven't checked out the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts yet then this coming Saturday is your opportunity to catch up on that. In celebration of the National Arts & Humanities Month the CCPA is holding an open house Saturday October 1, from 1.00pm - 5.00pm. It will be a great op
This week I was out showing homes on the east side of Iowa City in the Scott Boulevard East Neighborhood. It was a dark and dismal day, the not so great side of Fall in Iowa. Usually when I'm early for an appointment, (which I generally am), I like to take photos of the neighborhood. It seemed on
We have a lot of parks in Coralville and Iowa City. So many that you'll never have far to go before you bump into the next one. My photos today are of S.T. Morrison Park in downtown Coralville. You can access Morrison Park from 5th St, although technically it's on 7th St. On 5th St is where you'l