This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 70 New Listings were submitted. The breakdown by type is 70 Residential Homes, 39 Parcels of Land, 2 Commercial Properties, and 2 Multifamily Units. 70 Residential Homes Asking Price Range: $14,800 to $699,000 39 Parcels of Land Askin
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 86 New Listings were submitted. The breakdown by type is 60 Residential Homes, 22 Parcels of Land, 4 Commercial Properties, and no Multifamily Units. 60 Residential Homes Asking Price Range: $14,900 to $694,000 22 Parcels of Land Askin
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 32 propetries sold: 24 Residential Homes, 8 Single Family Building Lots or plots of land, no Commercial Properties, and no Multifamily Units. 24 Residential Homes Ranging in Price from $24,000 to $325,000 8 Parcels of Land Ranging in P
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 27 propetries sold: 24 Residential Homes, 3 Single Family Building Lots or plots of land, no Commercial Properties, and 1 Multifamily Unit. 24 Residential Homes Ranging in Price from $26,000 to $399,900 3 Parcels of Land Ranging in Pri
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 116 New Listings were submitted. The breakdown by type is 66 Residential Homes, 48 Parcels of Land, 2 Commercial Properties, and no Multifamily Units. 66 Residential Homes Asking Price Range: $37,900 to $625,000 48 Parcels of Land Ask
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 13 propetries sold: 8 Residential Homes, 5 Single Family Building Lots or plots of land, no Commercial Properties, and no Multifamily Units. 8 Residential Homes Ranging in Price from $41,511 to $269,900 5 Parcels of Land Ranging in Pri
In the month of September, there were 69 New Residential Single Family Home listings submitted to the Lakeway Area Association of Realtors creating a total of about 450 homes for sale in all of Hamblen county. Of those roughly 450 homes on the market, 39 Sold in the month of September. So 11
Two New Club Members are welcomed to the Morristown Rotary Club on September 29th, 2010. Jamison Pack of Lexor Financial Strategies and Lila Wilson, Tourism Director, Morristown Chamber of Commerce. Don Baldus explains the responsibilities of membership to New Club Members Jamison Pack and Lil
Gary Matthews spoke to the Rotary Club of Morristown on September 29th and accepted the clubs $1500 donation to United Way. The Rotary Club of Morristown continues to support the United Way with this annual donation, and the club appreciates the work and service provided to the community by Gary
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 141 New Listings were submitted. The breakdown by type is 51 Residential Homes, 87 Parcels of Land, 2 Commercial Properties, and no Multifamily Units. 51 Residential Homes Asking Price Range: $15,900 to $699,000 87 Parcels of Land Ask