Carolyn's Delaware and Chester County Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Independent architectural histor'n - Delaware RS-0010115
Looking for older and historic homes in the State of Delaware or in Southern Chester County, Pennsylvania? Carolyn Roland is a trained Architectural Historian and a Board Member of the Chester County Historic Preservation Network and Friends of the Furness Railroad District as well as the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Delaware and Chester County Historical Societies.,..
I must admit, this latest effort to save my tomatoes did not cost anything. I already had this netting in the garage from some long-forgotten project.So I wound the netting around the two tomato cages and tied them to the cages with some wire. Who knows what the varmints will try next. Someone su...
Today was the Presidential Primary in Delaware.  I was going to vote absentee, but they sent the ballot so long ago, that it got misplaced. So I had to go down to Brandywine H.S. and place a vote in person. I was impressed at the number of both volunteers and citizen voters. 3 cheers for all of y...
Actually, this is not much of a report, since it is so warm outside. I chose to stay inside and avoid the heat and occasional drizzle today and send this remotely from hiding.Luckily, the garden is doing fine on its own.  A new variety of pepper looks great--Italian Frying pepper. And the Better ...
Mt. Cuba Center outside of Wilmington, Delaware has recently re-opened to the public. A friend who volunteers in the garden there invited us to visit the grounds the other day.  And yes, this is another DuPont family legacy (Lammot duPont Copeland was President of the DuPont Company), although th...
The Newark Delaware Garden Tour 2020 was a benefit for the Newark Arts Alliance. We had a chance to drive around Newark and take a sprint 8 miles out to Elkton, Maryland for a walk on the wild side . On a large property, the Elkton garden was "designed for repose and solitude." I started the tour...
While looking out my back window the other day, I saw what could be considered a fortuitous sign.  There were, at one point, five goldfinches around the poppies that had finished blooming a couple of weeks before.  Watching what one of them was doing, I saw him pecking at the seed heads. Wait a m...
I always loved blue and white and yes, I am a fan of Delftware, the tin glazed earthenware which the Dutch developed in the 15th century to satisfy the market for rare Chinese porcelains. So it is only fitting that when I noticed that my blue hydrangeas were blooming, that I brought some inside a...
Today was a big day for members of Winterthur Museum and Gardens. A friend and I took advantage of a new reservation system and printed out passes to put on the windshield of our car.We had the 10 a.m. to noon slot this morning. It had been a couple of months since I had been to Winterthur, but h...
It's always nice to see how the gardeners are doing at the plots in Bellevue State Park, and yesterday was a particularly nice day to walk through the woods and meadows on the way to see how these "worker bees" are doing.  In the woods, I found this overturned tree displaying what is probably the...
Between my plant buying at garden centers and a masks for plants trade with a horticulturally inclined friend, I have been busy putting in new plants and potting others.  Luckily, they all seem to be getting along with each other and the current garden occupants. (clockwise starting from top left...

Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA

Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
local_phone(302) 239-3000
smartphone(302) 593-5111
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