Round about this time of year, some of us are gathering around the old fire pit, roasting marshmallows and telling a few tall tales. Lucy might well be one subject spoken about in these parts.Back in 1993, the local Crossroads paper published a story about a certain little girl and an historic h
According to the Hockessin (Delaware) Historical Society, if you’d passed a certain plain, stuccoed house in Hockessin in the 1990s, you probably wouldn’t have noticed it, I certainly never did. And I certainly didn't suspect that it contained a 1790s log tavern. But in the years around 1800, T
It seems like it's been weeks since we had a sunny day, and I didn't want to waste it by not taking a long walk at Winterthur Museum and Gardens. Not yet looking like fall as far as the leaves were concerned, everything was green. The viburnums, however, did sport bright red berries. And the fo
A visit to the University of Delaware Botanic Gardens the other day turned out to be a colorful trip. The Trial Garden showed what could be done given the restrictions imposed by the gardeners. The plants are watered and fertilized for a week or two after planting, but that's it. Also on display
It was a beautiful, sunny day October 2--perfect for this long-running Pennsylvania house tour. With 23 homes to choose from, we decided to start with those around Everhart Square in the Borough of West Chester. And what a winner the Paxson house on Union St. was. Built in 1850 and owned by the s
Nothing beats old Mother Nature at this time of year, but definitely giving her a nudge is Glen Willow Orchards in Avondale, Pennsylvania. Although it takes a few minutes longer to get there than to my regular grocery store, when I need farm grown produce and especially their orange juice, I make
To those driving up the Philadelphia Pike just outside of Wilmington, Delaware, an anomaly appears--a thick stone wall with a home peeking out behind it. What could this ancient looking building be? To those in the know about the importance of this area during the Revolutionary war, the Penny H
For the first time in 20 years, the historic Penny House in Wilmington, Delaware is available for a new owner. Built in 1749, this home saw George Washington (said to favor the spring water out back), Lafayette, and the troops traveling the Washington-Rochambeau Trail on the road to victory at Yo
Successfully threading my way through a day with occasional rain, I made my first visit in several weeks to Winterthur Museum and Gardens. After a rather silly encounter with a woman staffing the visitor center, who told me I needed a mask for the couple of feet I traversed through the visitor c
Last week I ventured down past Rehoboth Beach (once called "The Nation's Summer Capital") on a spit of land carrying Route 1 13 miles south to a little town called Bethany Beach.I wasn't sure what to expect--would there be a big boardwalk like Rehoboth, or massive condos towering over the highway