Last week I attended a talk and the movie "The Philadelphia Story," at Winterthur Museum and Garden. If you have seen movies The Philadelphia Story and/or High Society, you have a vague idea of the story. Hope Montgomery Scott (Tracy Lord in the Katherine Hepburn version) is preparing to marry f
If you were thinking of visiting Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania to see the Chrysanthemum Festival before the Christmas display begins, you have until November 18, 2018. I visited a couple of days ago just to check it out, and sure enough, those thousand bloom mums were feature
NOVEMBER EVENTS Friday, November 2 from 5-7 p.m. is the Art Loop in Wilmington, including 20+ galleries in Downtown Wilmington, New Castle, Arden, Bellefonte, and Greenville. Always fun, lots of original art, plus snacks and drinks are offered at most places, and you meet the most interesting pe
On a walk this week around Winterthur gardens, I decided to take "the path less traveled" to areas beyond the meadows I usually skirt. After passing the Neoclassical Folly, which stood out in the late afternoon sun in a field which looked much more interesting and green than it had in April, I fo
An example of the fine historic homes currently on the market is the S. Marston Fox Home in North Wilmington. It's time to review the numbers for New Castle County Delaware for September, 2018. As you can see from the chart, the number of new listings was down almost 11% from 2017 numbers. Beca
Last week's Chester County Day Tour introduced me to a spot which I found uniquely interesting nestled among the historic homes open for the day. The 1793 Gunkle Spring Mill is located on Route 401 and Moores Road in East Whiteland Twp. Jeff Dore, the Chair of the Township Historic Commission w
Realtors are engaged in a "helping" profession, and as such, are eager and ready to serve potential clients wishing to purchase a home. But there are some guidelines which should help these potential clients through the process (and there is a process) without going into time wasting "rabbit hole
I was early for a Society of Architectural Historians meeting at the Athenaeum on Washington Square the other day, so I took some time and explored the Square and the Curtis Building, which faces it. One of the original 5 squares laid out by William Penn, the history of the area is below: In the
Delaware EventsDemystifying Historic Preservation in Delaware: The facts, myths, and economic benefits of historic preservation will be presented Thursday, October 4, 2018, 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Barrett Room on B-Floor of the Duncan Center, 500 Loockerman St Dover, DE 19904. This IPA trai
While visiting historic Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania the other day, I got to wondering what influenced Pierre S. duPont when he built his fountain display. It turns out, one of the events practically in his back yard was a big influence.While he always preferred to live amid t