Sales & Marketing Strategies for Real Estate

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Fisher & Company, P.A., Marketing & Creative Strategists
Business really is like a football game. Every day you have to show up with your game face on, your play book open, and be dressed and ready to play. However, showing up isn't enough. You have to get into the red zone, and then be effective once you're there.



The problem with "Christians" is that well . . . they are so fallible.  I am a Christian, and like every other "Christian", I am fallible.   As a former student of Latin, perhaps "fallible" is not the best choice of words since it stems from the Latin "fallere" to deceive . . .  On second thought...

Deborah Fisher

smartphone(817) 559-2945
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Observations on the homebuilding and real estate market from a former senior level marketing executive in the home building industry now the president of a hybrid sales and marketing firm geared to builders and developers.
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