For those of you who do not know who Jeff Foxworthy is, Jeff's wry Southern humor made him one of the most popular standup comedians of the '90s. I'd like to share some of his humor on "Upstate NY". Enjoy, and thanks Danielle for sharing it with me."If the speed limit on the highway is 55 -- you
Maintaining a paper trail for each transaction is important in our business. A paper trail becomes even more important to have in the event of litigation. Having a detail paper trail could make the difference between exoneration and guilt.It is wise to always put everything in writing and follow-
There is tremendous potential in the City of Newburgh for recreational and business development. And in the next few years, the Historic City of Newburgh will join the other Hudson River Communities that have been targeted by investors for revitalization. The City is finally scheduled to take its
NYC Residents experienced a positive change in the Sales and Use Taxes. As of September 1, 2007, the 4% New York City local sales and use taxes no longer applied to the sale of clothing, footwear and items used to make or repair clothing regardless of the cost of the items. The New York State sal
I received the link below from a former coworker who is now a very dear friend of mine. She told me to take a minute from my busy schedule and view the link. The link plays a video which simulates an interview with our Creator.While viewing the link, the questions and answers help to remind me th
Unless you've paid cash for your home, you have the obligation of paying a mortgage. Most buyers opt for a 30 year mortgage simply to have a manageable monthly payment. But paying the loan off over a 30 year term is costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest payments.One option to consi
This is a new program that provides a direct rebate check to homeowners based on a portion of their school taxes paid. All homeowners who are currently enrolled in the STAR program with a household income less than $250,000.00 are eligible for this program.If you are already in the Enhanced STAR
Former Private First Class John Perrillo of Monroe, NY received 10 medals for his service in the 2nd World War. U.S. Rep John Hall (D-New Hope) presented the medals to Mr. Perrillo at the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor in New Windsor, NY on September 4, 2007.Mr. Perrillo, who is now 85 years
The Marbletown Elementary PTF is sponsoring its first annual holiday craft fair. The event is scheduled for December 1, 2007. And is scheduled to run from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. The Marbletown Elementary PTF organization is currently seeking vendors to occupy booth space for the fair. The individual
The Town of Newburgh, NY utilizes two sources of water, Chadwick Lake Reservoir and the NYC Delaware Aqueduct. A total of 951 million gallons of water or daily average of 2.6 million gallons per day was produced during 2006. A total of 732 million gallons of water was metered.The difference of 20