I got the new Duel Saw And Let me tell you it's not junk! When it comes to as seen on TV infomercials and as seen on TV products, opinions are divided. Many of us like the whole as seen on TV phenomenon with all its aspects, with the presenters, and the way in which products are being introduced ...
Top Ten Things That Should Have Been Invented Already! And Why... 1. The Cure For Cancer. Every year it's the same thing. Need more test. FDA getting in the way... 2. The Flying Car. To heavy, never gets off the ground. Goverment getting in the way. 3. The Personal Jet Pack. Got off the ground bu...
There is always a question about what does an agent have to do regarding disclosing permit issues. If you are in a market with older homes, you can be pretty sure that there is much remodeling been done ..... much of it done WITHOUT a permit. California and several other states have used thei...
Low prices are found nation wide.Marc Roth recently wrote an article in Business Week titled "If You Don't Buy A House Now, You're Stupid Or Broke". He does go on to say that you may not be stupid or broke, but now is a great time to buy and buyers might not get this chance again. With interest...
Pre-listing home inspections. This is a service that should be offered as part of any successful listing presentation package. We provide this service free of charge to any listing agent or seller within 40 miles of our Colton Ca office. All we ask is that we place this small sign in the yard. ...
Entry Doors Detecting Damage Well it's winter and the rain has started to fall soon many people will find out that their entry door is getting jammed up or becomes hard to lock. Some will even find water intrusion along the bottom of the door. These things are more common with wood doors. When in...
The California Department of General Services has awarded a contract to CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. to sell 17 state office buildings in order to raise more than $660 million to offset cuts in the state budget. “The Governor was clear that we must re-think how we manage the state’s real estate. ...
So we have all found that home that is a fixer at an amazing price. But how does one know if it is a good investment or a bad one. You get it inspected that's how. But what if you hire the wrong inspector to do the job, well it could be the worst investment of your life. Some inspectors specializ...
Fifteen Chino homes were added to those listed for sale during the week ending Dec. 7, 2009, according to the Inland Multi-Regional Multiple Listing Service and 11 Chino properties were reported as entering escrow during the week. A total of 162 Chino homes were listed for sale in the MLS on D...
A total of 58 Fontana homes were added to those listed for sale during the week ending Dec. 7, 2009, according to the Inland Multi-Regional Multiple Listing Service and 59 Fontana properties were reported as entering escrow during the week. A total of 428 Fontana homes were listed for sale in ...