Ben Passes on some great information here. I have been happy with the buyers we have converted off Craigslist and online. Buyer agency is the key to successfully converting buyer leads to a sale. One day I realized that we were so good at getting buyers to sign a buyer agency, but a lot of those ...
Pat passes on some good information here.A Head Start on Your Taxes: Getting organized is the key to filing an accurate tax return. By Mary Beth Franklin, Kiplinger's Personal Finance As you put away the holiday gifts, set aside an empty box to collect all the year-end tax documents that will soo...
More About Writing Listing Presentation Letter For Email. Part 2 Your sales letter must convey benefits. Cynical it may be but everybody (well, nearly everybody) cares about one thing in business "What’s in it for me?" Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself, "If I was receiving this lett...
Presentation letters in Email Form. A great sales letter presents the benefits of your products or services, clearly highlighting them to the reader. Your letter must move the prospect further along in the sales cycle by describing the next step. Whether your goal is a one-to-one meeting, sales p...
Buying Real Estate in France and Spain If you are looking for resources or just want to know what is involved in buying Real Estate in France and Spain, you can find many websites that cater to your needs. Start with Bing Or Google First. You will find extensive information about taxation, visa, ...
The Google Real Estate Listing Place Pages Include Property information. Photos. Map placement Street View imagery and functionality. Nearby public transit details. And even AdWords ads. Google has added links for “Directions” and “Search nearby,” as well as a “Send” link that opens an outgoing e...
HELOC Loans Are Making A Come Back As Banks Relax Approvals As the housing market begins to bounce back, homeowners can take advantage of home equity lines of credit, or HELOCs, once again. Tapping into the HELOC could prove to bring fast cash in a pinch, but beware of the risk. Current record lo...
How Are Banks Relaxing Standards For Mortgage Home Loans?In housing markets that are stabilizing, the following process changes have made it easier to obtain mortgage home loans: Banks have loosened scrutiny over property appraisals and other additional documentation required for home mortgage lo...
Banks and other lenders are beginning to relax standards for mortgage home loans in many areas of the country where home prices are stabilizing after freefalling for the past years.Borrowers with good credit in most parts of the country are now finding home loans easier to obtain. Banks are still...
With 2010 only a few days away people are talking about action plans. Just some fancy wording for getting your act together. We tell ourselves that we are going to do all the things we should have been doing from day one. We create list, spreed sheets, hell some of us get out the day-planer and p...