Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.comDo you know everything you'd like to know about social networking? No? Well, Raleigh, help is on the way...Last week, at a networking event, I met Lisa Bledsoe, director at Calvert Cr
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com"Life is short, and it's up to you to make it sweet." ~ Sarah Louise "Sadie" DelanyAs I was conducting research for a previous post, I ran across this quote that made me think about r
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com I love living in the Triangle because there's something for everyone! Like what, you ask? Well...If you like theatre, no need to travel to Broadway - you can catch really good shows
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com 50 Free Newsletters My friend Penny Robinson - who is always sharing with everyone - sent me this information today. And I wanted to Pay It Forward! It's for 50 free newsletters from
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.comPenny Robinson - "Penny Is Your Agent"When I joined Keller Williams (KW), I had the pleasure of meeting Penny Robinson, an outstanding real estate agent with KW North Raleigh (North C
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.comDo you love real estate - and dream about one day leaving your 9 to 5 job to make it a full-time career? Are you trying to figure out exactly how to make it happen financially? Here
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com Does your blog make your potential clients fall in - or out - of love with you?Our blog posts have A LOT of power.They can either make people fall in love with us - before they even
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com If you suspected a mortgage loan officer of fraud, what would you do about it? With all the talk about mortgage fraud today, here's a true story that happened to to me some years ago
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.comI love quotes - especially this one, as it speaks to being persistent. One can have all the talent, genius, and education in the world, but it does not necessarily equal success. "Not
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.comWhen I was at the Keller Williams Family Reunion last month, I heard Diana Kokoska, VP MAPS Coaching and Masterminds, say that she begins her day by writing out her affirmations. It s