Darleen McCullen - Raleigh NC Real Estate Blog

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Darleen McCullen's Blog about Real Estate and anything affecting the community. Enjoy...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com   It has been awhile since I've posted a blog here - 18 days to be exact - but there is a good reason, I promise. Over the past few weeks, I've been busy working in my business, as w...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com I have absolutely fallen in love with North Carolina's State Farmers Market in Raleigh. A few Saturdays ago was the first time I'd been in awhile, and the place was so lively!As a r...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com  NEVER in a million years would I have thought that I would actually care about points! But I DO! LOL. Last year, as I was having lunch with Kristin Little, the mortgage broker who i...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com  Calling all United States War Veterans! Come be part of The National Veterans Freedom Park and the Library of Congress' Veterans History ProjectYou have a story to tell - and we'd ...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com Do You Know...What Was on Your Property Before You Owned It?I would venture to say that many of us do not know what existed on our property before lived there. Do you?A friend and I...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com  Today, I did something that I'd never done before:I participated in a 45-minute cycling class at the local YMCA. Believe me, I was suffering. Lance Armstrong makes it look so easy!...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com  Quotes can be quite inspiring - so I wanted to share the following ones with you...I was in Dillard's Bar-B-Que in Durham, NC recently and saw a quote similar to the following: "Goo...
Written by: Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, Broker Keller Williams Realty Phone: 919.454.8864 Email: darleen@darleenmc.com We all have unwanted items in our house that we say that: "I'll take this down to (my charitable organization favorite) someday." Well...let TODAY be the day that you get rid of ...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com   Everyone is crying about the high cost of living - but there are ways in which we can cut back and not feel the pinch as much. I'm the Queen of Cheap! And anyone who knows me will ...
Written by:Darleen McCullen, REALTOR®, BrokerKeller Williams RealtyPhone: 919.454.8864Email: darleen@darleenmc.com As a Buyer, what would you do if you purchased a home and later discovered that there was hot water in the toilet? ORAs a Seller, would you feel that you even would have to disclose ...

Darleen McCullen

Broker - Raleigh, NC Real Estate
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