Specializing in WordPress Websites

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Services for Real Estate Pros - R & D Art
R & D Art is a web development and marketing/advertising print company for the way the world communicates today. On the web development side we offer web design, hosting, and support services including social media outlets. We specialize in the WordPess platform using it to build a Blog site, an eCommerce site, a static website, or any combination of the three to meet your needs. Each of our builds comes with a custom theme built from the ground up with your input. On the marketing/advertising print side of our business, we manufacture products unique to you and your company. We are knowledgeable professionals with the capability of designing and developing dynamic tools to keep you connected in the fast paced and constantly changing world. When you need a fresh look and responsive team, R & D Art will fulfill that need.



As a person who makes their living online, I wonder how many people visit auction sites like www.rockybid.com and why. I know there are trade publications that can give you statistical information on such sites. These publications can definitely provide some valuable information about auctions bu...
Most people in the real estate industry understand the importance of using a reputable title company. Many consumers however don't know what a title company actually does so they may also be unaware of why they are important. Liens, judgments, closings, escrow...these buzzwords that many consumer...
Many people who are buying homes today are young, first time buyers. Because of the enormous financial responsibility that buyers are taking on, it is important to do a bit of research into the different options that may be available. With the soft sellers’ market that many areas of the country h...
As an Internet business, Positive Real Estate Professionals understands the need for an Internet presence. For the most part, that is a given when you run a Real Estate network such as ours. The great thing is that our members understand the importance of this. However, this post is not about the...
Just the other day a friend of mine told me that he had bought a second home in another country. It got me to thinking that with the economy the way it is, now might be a great time to invest in an second home overseas. That is what got me drawn to ThracianCliffs.com. If you get a chance, check o...

Danny Thornton

WordPress Guru
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