Tennessee has been garden ready since about the first of April. Over the last three weeks, I have managed to be pulled in to build 2 raised garden beds as well as help plant the Rich's garden. Somehow I always seem to get pulled into doing that. So, if you want to know how to build your own raise
Paying it forward has always been a big deal to me. With that said, I came across a challenge a week ago and I just had to take the opportunity to join in. Now, it is my turn to have my own challenge. So, without furture ado, please click the link below and read my challenge. I hope that you will
I am not sure about you but I always like to keep my eyes and ears open to a great business opportunity. Today, I got one sent to me right here on ActiveRain through the contact system. After reading it, I am sure that I definitely want to contact this person and get started today. Here is what I
Earlier today I wrote a post on one of my other blogs that is entitled To use or not to use? That is the question. The basis behind this post deals with a conversation that I recently held with a potential client that was getting ready to buy his first home. As I typically do, I asked if he was g
Saturday and Sunday were both great days. One could not have asked for better days. The sun was out, the skys were clear and the tempature ranged from 70 to 80 degrees during the day over the 2 day span. Then, this morning came around and this is what I wake up to?!?!? And just so you know, it is
I had a friend of mine from Active Rain contact me the other day asking me why I have not been present here in the Rain. Well, that is the 64 cent question and to find the answers to that and some other questions, you will need to understand what my new focus is. I am still writing mortgages when