Specializing in WordPress Websites

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Services for Real Estate Pros - R & D Art
R & D Art is a web development and marketing/advertising print company for the way the world communicates today. On the web development side we offer web design, hosting, and support services including social media outlets. We specialize in the WordPess platform using it to build a Blog site, an eCommerce site, a static website, or any combination of the three to meet your needs. Each of our builds comes with a custom theme built from the ground up with your input. On the marketing/advertising print side of our business, we manufacture products unique to you and your company. We are knowledgeable professionals with the capability of designing and developing dynamic tools to keep you connected in the fast paced and constantly changing world. When you need a fresh look and responsive team, R & D Art will fulfill that need.



  Over the last year or so, I have had many people ask me about what it takes to make your website attract more consumers. In my personal experience, this is not something that you can obtain over night. There is no 'secret" formula that makes it all work. With that said, what does make it work i...
I still can not get use to the fact that John Smoltz has become a Red Sox. When I see him in that uniform, I will not know what to think. it just does not seem right. With that said, change was bound to happen. The uncertainity of his future with the Atlanta Braves had to be a big deciding factor...
Today, I thought that I would do something a little different. Today I thought that I would give something to all my readers. I am sure that most of you could use this gift. I am sure that some of you could care less about it. But, with the economy pretty much in the crapper for now, saving a buc...
Have you ever been so hungry that you think that you could eat an etire cow? Well, now you have a chance. Can you imagine sitting down to eat and one of these bad boys is dropped if front of you. Let me introduce to you the Fifth Third Burger. The bun is eight inches long and holds 5 1/3 pounds o...
I am sure that many of you will remember the cartoon figure Snagglepuss. He was the one that would always use the clever phrase "Exit Stage Left" when he wanted to get out of a scene. Snagglepuss first appeared on the Quick Draw McGraw Show and then became a regular part of the Yogi Bear Show. As...
I have not been around Active Rain much lately. My life has been a hetic whirl wind or one issue or another. So, I thought that I would at least come by and share a few words with you. Here is a song that might help you understand where I am at.
There has never been many times in my life that I have not been able to express my feelings. Today is actually one of those days. I really do not know how to put my thoughts into words today. So, with that said, I decided to reach into the archives and get help from the Little River Band.
I ran into this MeMe over at a friends website. I thought that it was very cool, so I brought it into the rain. This is different than any MeMe that I had ever seen so I thought that it would be neat to try. The rules are simple. 1) Type out all the Questions below and answer them with a picture....
Click the picture to learn more
Rich posted this article about FaceBook today and I thought that I would share it with my readers as well. When we learned of FaceBook doing this, I started looking for a way to counter it. For now, all of our outside blogs as well as our multi-user blogs have this new integration built in to aut...

Danny Thornton

WordPress Guru
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