Specializing in WordPress Websites

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Services for Real Estate Pros - R & D Art
R & D Art is a web development and marketing/advertising print company for the way the world communicates today. On the web development side we offer web design, hosting, and support services including social media outlets. We specialize in the WordPess platform using it to build a Blog site, an eCommerce site, a static website, or any combination of the three to meet your needs. Each of our builds comes with a custom theme built from the ground up with your input. On the marketing/advertising print side of our business, we manufacture products unique to you and your company. We are knowledgeable professionals with the capability of designing and developing dynamic tools to keep you connected in the fast paced and constantly changing world. When you need a fresh look and responsive team, R & D Art will fulfill that need.



Since much of my business is done through the internet I have become keenly aware of the internet speed of potential and actual clients. While the days of dial up are a thing of the past for many Americans, there are still vast segments of this country who rely on the old dial up of the early int...
  When I read this article the first time, I knew that I wanted to share it with all of my readers here. Sandy makes some great points in this post. I have blocked off comments so that you can comment back to Sandy.   In todays society where nearly everyone has access to the computer, I know that...
Over the last few years, I have gotten to where I hate the thought of cable television. The biggest reason for this would have to be all the issues that cable had when we would experience hurricanes in Florida. If the power was out, typically the cable would have been as well. With that said, tha...
For those of you that are unaware, Chis Fisher is truly human and proves it now. If you have not been following her updates on the 2009 Expo Series, then here is a great chance to check it out. Not only will you get some great information, you will get to meet a great person.  Not only am I on th...
Many of you know me to be a sports enthusiasts. Some of you know me to be a sports fanatic. It is the latter of these statements that is the truth. With that said, sports has been a part of my life since I can remember.With that said, I was shopping around for shoes today and ran across a bunch o...
I am sure that some people will skip right over this post due to the title. With that said, for the ones that read this post, you will understand why I titled it this way. Last night I was sitting in the office working when the television comes on in the living room. Lo' and behold, American Idol...
I have been having a lot of people emailing me asking if we are converting The Wordless Blog to a multi user platform similar to what we did with Neighborhood Expert Online. Well, I figured I would just post it right here. The answer is yes and it will be functioning as a multi user on Tuesday. S...
This post is not about real estate and if you are the squeamish sort you might want to move on to another post. This post is about stem cells and the potential benefit they represent. Off the bat, let me say that this is not about the controversial embryonic stem cells; I tend to stay as far away...
Today I had the honor of selling to two people at one time. Many of you know that I have been building blogsites for people that want to create an individual blog site. This was the reason that R & D Art was created. Fred Chamberlin has not only been one of my biggest clients, he has also been on...
I was contacted the other day about building a Realtor a new blog site that she had full control over. The statement that she left me with is what inspired this post. It was "I need to see if blogging will work for me. I need to know if I need to build an internet presence." Frankly, if you are n...

Danny Thornton

WordPress Guru
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