Specializing in WordPress Websites

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R & D Art is a web development and marketing/advertising print company for the way the world communicates today. On the web development side we offer web design, hosting, and support services including social media outlets. We specialize in the WordPess platform using it to build a Blog site, an eCommerce site, a static website, or any combination of the three to meet your needs. Each of our builds comes with a custom theme built from the ground up with your input. On the marketing/advertising print side of our business, we manufacture products unique to you and your company. We are knowledgeable professionals with the capability of designing and developing dynamic tools to keep you connected in the fast paced and constantly changing world. When you need a fresh look and responsive team, R & D Art will fulfill that need.



For all of you that do not know me, I am a huge animal lover. When it comes to pictures, I am more about the unexpected ones than the ones posed for. With that said, I have to share my tale.This weekend, we were watching football at the house. Atlanta was seeing a very cold day and for anyone tha...
OK, I usually don't write about food, even though if you ever meet me, you will know this is a passion of mine. With that said, I had to share this receipe with all. If you are a Tuna lover like myself, this is a must try dish. If is not hard to create, it just takes a little time. However, the r...
Last night I wa sgoing back and reviewing some of the view first BLOGS that I wrote and was pondering what I did not do then that I am doing now and why my post are growing each and every day. A lot of what I see is not what I say, but where I place the BLOG. I get reminded of the song Teenage Wa...
In today's time and age, we all look for inspirations. It does not take us very long to find those very inspirations if we truly want them. Many great speakers throught the ages have said many profound things. So, I just thought that I would take the time to put together a few that I liked and sh...
I have heard this word so much this year that I had to write about it. I do not know of one word that gets me going more than this one.Almost is only in horseshoes and handgrenades. Then, I found this website today. Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades  After last nights debacle of ...
Diana Ross wrote this Song in 1976 and when you listen to it, it has a lot of meaning to it. It makes you stop and think. Do you like what life is showing you? Do you get what you hopeing for? When in high school, the biggest step is when you graduate. It hits you one day that you have to have a ...
Who is going to the BCS National Championship Game on  January 7, 2008 you ask? Well, we know that it will be the BCS No. 1 vs. BCS No. 2, but the question remains who will that be. After a week of upsets and teams taking other teams to lightly, lets take a look at the top ten and how they perfor...
Hot off the press today, Miami has a new wide receiver. It is unbelievable what this wide receiver can do. It is said that he just walked in at the end of the practice session. Will this give the Dolphins the much needed talent to achieve their first win of there dismal season.The pro football te...
For all of you that have been invited to dine with us, I need to alert you to one of our guest that due to unforeseen circumstances, she will not be able to attend this wonderful Thanksgiving feast that we have put together. I am still looking forward to seeing all of you though. The turkey, ham,...
Maybe it is me,maybe not, but what is up with Monday night football? Earlier this year, it was Atlanta and there were hardly anyone in the stands. Ok, lets look at these games. It is probably me, and remember, this is just my opinions below, but I am not into watching someone get their butts kick...

Danny Thornton

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