Buying, selling and marketing real estate is changing and will be very different in the future as will being a real estate agent or broker. But how? What effect will the changes occuring today have on consumers and real estate professionals? And what changes lay ahead? Let's look and see...Real e...
Two cease-and-desist orders to Zillow from the Arizona Board of Appraisal; Arizona Senate Bill 1291 (notice the strikethroughs and changes) fails to pass on a 32-22 vote earlier this week; Senate Bill 1291 has been temporarily revived by a motion to reconsider the legislation on Monday, April 30....
In October 2006, Robert Melton cataloged 500 (local) real estate blogs to watch. On April 9th, he updated the list in order to celebrate the first day of Project Blogger and the list now stands at 750. Thank you to Robert for including my associate and I's blogs, Loudoun Stats, real/diaBlog, The ...
Most sellers in Loudoun County, Virginia as well as everywhere in the world, wonder how and where today's buyers search for and find their new home. Why? Because they want to know how today's buyers will find their home (and buy it, of course). If you do not market in the places where today's buy...
In a recent post by titled "Mortgage Ignorance Rampant", the results of a survey of 1,004 adults conducted by Gfk Roper showed that 34 percent of homeowners had no idea what type of mortgage they had. That statistic is startling, alarming and down right scary. No wonder subprime defa...
It turns out that Zillow's newest feature "Tell Us a Home's For Sale", caused so much controversy that they decided to turn it off. A post by Jonathan Washburn here on Active Rain generated over 70 responses in a little less than a day and a lot of them were negative. They pointed out possible ...
Although Zillow and Trulia are becoming heavier hitters by the day, in the world of listing sites, Google may be positioning itself in the same league. Google left a vague and intereting post on their blog yesterday that seems to hint that they're up to something big. After all, the online list...
According to Federal Election Commission data, the REALTORS Political Action Committee (RPAC) was the largest PAC contributor to U.S. House and Senate candidates in the 2006 election cycle contributing a whopping $3.75 million. The next largest contributor was The National Beer Wholesalers Associ...
The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a tax rate of 96 cents after cutting $19 million from the school system's proposed spending plan. According to the Board of Supervisors, had the county kep the tax rate at 89 cents, $76 million would have been needed to be cut from the s...
As of this morning, the percentage of properties for sale that are in foreclosure/bank owned in Loudoun County, specifically Ashburn, Sterling and Leesburg is:Ashburn - 5 percentSterling - 11 percentLeesburg - 11 percentThis is an increase over last month and the highest in several years. One rea...