Our Traverse City Real Estate market is still holding strong with activity and values up over last year. Inventory levels are dropping slightly, if you have been thinking of selling, now is a perfect time to get that home listed. Message me and I will be happy to do some research for you on your ...
As we enter into our Fall season, we are still seeing strong sales. Inventory levels in some price points are still a bit on the low side. It is a great time to sell, if you are thinking of making a move. Call today for a market analysis of your home 231-409-4140. Weekly Market Statistics 09/03/2...
If you have been thinking about selling your home to downsize or move up, now would he a great time to do it. Inventory levels in certain price points is critically low. Call today for your Personalized Market Report on your home. 231-409-4140 Weekly Market Statistics 08/27/2012 thru 09/02/2012 1...