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Services for Real Estate Pros - Insurance NPN # 13379201
The Difference between Personal and Commercial Auto Insurance As you can tell by the names, personal auto insurance and commercial auto insurance differ because one is meant to cover your personal automobile and the other your commercial (or business) automobile or fleet. But in truth, the differ...
Here is some food for thought when it comes to storing data in the cloud, where are you exposed?   The risks your company is exposed to in this Internet era are limited only by the imagination of the would-be thieves, virus designers and hackers out there. Cyber risk insurance can help limit the ...
25% of all flood Claims are from a non flood zone area. One in four homes does not experience a flood loss every year. However, out of the flood claims filed each year, one in four is in a non flood zone. Flood is defined as the rising and overflowing of water onto normally dry land. If you are ...
What do $150 million for fisheries across the country, $10 million for FBI salaries, $2 billion for road construction across the country, and funding for the Head Start program have to do with Hurricane Sandy?? This $60,000,000,000.00 SANDY Amendment was loaded with NON-SANDY RELATED spending, in...
Are you mad about an experience you’ve had?  Do you want to post a nasty review on a website like Yelp or Angie’s List? Think twice about what you may write   An embellished & hateful review can get you in big trouble for defamation.  If you’re writing about your experience with the plumber, expl...
This is very good post about insurance premiums & insurance rates. We have seen insurance premiums increasing exponentially over the last several years in all of the gulf states & the eastern seaboard.  Coverage limits,deductibles, and what is included or excluded from your coverage are key premi...
Always recommend buyers to get flood insurance, even if they are not in a flood prone area. I have seen several Lawsuits where Agents have said " this is not in a flood zone, so its not needed" and guess what? the homes have flooded. one lawsuit settled for over 200K against the agents E&O Insura...
 I see this often, many times homeowners "think" that if there was no payout, that nothing was reported. Disclose previous insurance claims is sooo Important, especially in this situation. we are at the 11th hr and now their is issues with buyers obtaining insurance because of too many claims rep...
The 2012 total of Natural disasters caused $160 billion in damage in the U.S. last year, With a big part being Hurricanes Sandy & Issac. What is worse, that 349 lives were lost in these disasters There were eleven major events in 2012’s that caused a least a billion-dollar plus in Damages: March ...
Allison has a great post on Insurance. Many "Local Agents" usually represent a handful of companies, so they only have a few options for home-buyers. That's exactly why we represent so many carriers, so that buyers can have options on Insurance, We hate using the insurer of last resort and only d...

Frank Laisch

"The Insurance Guy"
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