Jus' Livin in Worcester County

Real Estate Agent - 774.289.5521
Mercury is in Retrograde from Oct 28 until Nov 17. This is a good time of year to set up systems to ensure people will not misunderstand you. During this time you can expect all types of communication problems. I suggest you back up hard drives and get into the habit of double checking documents ...
When I first came to Active Rain I could spend hours here reading the blogs. Lately I’ve been popping in, reading a few, commenting on even fewer, then leaving. It’s not because I’m too busy – ok, I am busy, but never too busy for Active Rain. It’s not because I’m fickle and found a new love and ...
It's that time again when my family and I make the annual trek to Salem, Massachusetts. Every year during the month of October, Salem goes all out in attracting tourists to it's many museums regarding the witch trials of 1692. Here's a link to the Haunted Happenings in case you're thinking about ...
I got this in my email. It made me laugh so I thought I'd share.The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and tells whether you are qualified to be a "manager".  The questions are not that difficult.1.     How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?The correct answer is: Open the refrige...
I had a conversation recently with a fellow virtual assistant about our hours of operation in our businesses. I see so many virtual assistants who will only work Monday to Friday from 9-5. It's their businesses and they can work whatever hours they want to, but when you're virtual I don't see any...
I commented on a blog and I must have missed a keystroke or something when I typed in the graphics word because I got a huge red message at the top of the screen that told me I failed the human test. Ok, that was funny -- once! Let's not let it happen again ;-) LOL.
With the millions upon millions of websites and blogs out there, how do you know if someone has plagerized what you've written. Copyscape http://www.copyscape.com/ will search the entire internet and let you know if your site has been copied. You can even check your Active Rain home page to see i...
This morning I commented on SPAM that I received (I made it members only if you are reading this and you aren't a member).  There was a comment left that basically said, like it or not, SPAM is here to stay. We are all marketers here. Every one of us. I'm really hoping that anyone who spams reads...
On Friday I received a note on my front door. It was computer printed and said, "Neighborhood yard sale, Saturday September 9th, call Sue and let her know if you're going to be participating". Sue is the neighbor directly across the street from me. We're both corner houses. Her house is a light b...

Crystal Pina

Remax Professional Associates
smartphone(774) 289-5521
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