Jus' Livin in Worcester County

Real Estate Agent - 774.289.5521
I started my virtual assistant business a little over a year ago. June 2006 to be exact. I can't count the times someone has advised me to "fake it till I make it". It was one of those things I heard but pushed to the back of my mind thinking it may be needed information one day. I mean, think ab...
Case Study #1 - Pablo is a very successful REALTOR(c). He's made a name for himself in the first time homebuyer's niche. Between his backyard barbeque marketing, word of mouth, and his print advertising, his phone rings off the hook with people who want to move into home ownership. Pablo is high ...
I love free. What I don't love is having to give my email address to be able to download what's free. As we all know, once you've given your email address you will be bombarded with Spam. I once created an email address just for this reason. I go in once every quarter and delete hundreds of email...
I am researching what someone needs nowadays to purchase a home. I'm not sure if the information I am finding is old, though, since things are rapidly changing.If someone wanted to purchase a home today, what are the things you'd ask of them, the things you'd look for to approve them for a mortgage?
This is part 2 of a special report on Lead Generation that I am writing. I'd love to hear what you think of it.================If you've ever held a job where you had to mail in your resume and cover letter, then you know that the resume wasn't meant to get you the job, it was meant to get you an...
This is part 1 of a special report on Lead Generation that I am writing. I'd love to hear people's thoughts on it.=========It's a good idea to decide whether you are targeting buyers or sellers because a buyer and a seller are looking for two different things and will respond to two different mar...
Many of you know, and some don't know that my computer crashed last December. It went slowly so I was able to move most of my important files into an online email account that I have so I could access them on the new computer. I recently was shown an online program that will safeguard your files....
I went to a teleseminar today. That's nothing unusual, I go to lots of teleseminars. But this one was more like a giant commercial for Send Out Cards. If you haven't heard of them, basically you give them your contacts the way you would add your contacts into your contact management system (you d...
Today is Sunday, July 8, 2007 9:41 am and this is my first Active Rain rant.This morning I commented on a blog post about someone who was cold called by an Active Rain member promoting her services. He wasn't sure if it was appropriate or not.So I referred the poster to a blog post I had written ...
Think about your favorite customer or client - someone that you worked very well with. Someone whose personality matched yours and you were really a help to that person. Someone who made you feel like you were glad you chose the line of work you did. That is who you are going to write all your bl...

Crystal Pina

Remax Professional Associates
smartphone(774) 289-5521
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