Jus' Livin in Worcester County

Real Estate Agent - 774.289.5521
Edaville Railroad is for sale. Asking price is $10 million. According to news reports, the operators have decided not to renew their lease and the property owner said that he's hoping to find a buyer who will keep the railroad open, but if he doesn't find a buyer in a few months that he'll be for...
It's official. It's on their website http://therta.com. The Worcester Regional Transit Authority (the city bus) is going on strike tomorrow, Saturday, November 13. From the website: The WRTA's Management Team met with representatives of Local 22 and a Federal Mediator Thursday afternoon, Nov. 11,...
I go to quite a few networking events and I all around just try to meet new people. After someone asks what I do, their next question is always, "how's the market?" That answer depends on where you are. If you are looking to buy, the market's great. Interest rates are low, there's lots of invento...
This is a great post by Claudette Millette that I wanted to share - because she said what I wanted to say, but she said it better. A recent cover of Time Magazine featured the phrase, "Rethinking Homeownership" and dwelled on the downside of owning a home since we have been through some turbulent...
A long time ago I wrote a blog post about lying to people just to get the listing. You'd think that after reading a featured blog post that people would stop lying to their sellers about what they believe the property will sell for. But, nope. They still do it. Or maybe they do tell the seller th...
I've been watching the hurricane updates on The Weather Channel. They have a correspondent in Kill Devil Hills, NC. My husband and I laughed at the name. We have a hill called Dead Horse Hill in Worcester, but it's not the name of a town. It's just a name of the hill (Worcester has 7 hills). What...
Every year we go apple picking. It's only the first day of September and my daughter's already asking when we are going! This picture was taken last year at Tougas Farms in Northboro. We love Tougas Farms because they have peaches as well as apples. They also have a petting zoo and a huge playgro...
So everyone's talking about hurricane Earl. There's no question that it will hit us here in Massachusetts - the question is, "How hard?" I've been reading about MEMA's plan to evacuate Cape Cod. Basically they will close off the smaller roads leading over the bridges and force everyone over the b...
Yesterday it was too cold for the beach but too warm to work so my bff and I took a drive down to Cape Cod. When you live in Massachusetts you drive "down the cape", never "up to Cape Cod" like you hear in movies. I love Cape Cod and I love just jumping in the car and going for a ride. We started...
I just received this notice in my email: 22 Union drivers of the ATU, Local 22 called in sick today leaving passengers who ride the WRTA stranded. The WRTA is doing everything possible, within legal means to get the service restored as quickly as possible. I guess they're fighting over health ins...

Crystal Pina

Remax Professional Associates
smartphone(774) 289-5521
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