Marina's Blog

Home Stager - CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region
 Here are the results of the Staging Polls. I would have liked to see more Realtors weighing in.  A huge thank you to all that participated. STAGERS:  The Success of your Staging business can be attributed to  Answer Text %    Word of mouth / Referral   30%     Website   20%     Networking   15% ...
  Statistics are so hard to come by without spending a fortune using a market research company.  I'm hoping my fellow Active Rainers will take a second to help me out with a marketing project I'm conducting.  The poll results are shown to you immediately upon voting.  And a huge insight to help u...
Statistics are so hard to come by without spending a fortune using a market research company.  I'm hoping my fellow Active Rainers will take a second to help me out with a marketing project I'm conducting.  The poll results are shown to you immediately upon voting.  PLEASE TAKE THE STAGING POLL I...
It's been a long time since I've posted here on Active Rain.  I've been wrapped up for countless hours creating my website.  Yes I made it myself.....from scratch!  Not having any experience what-so-ever with website design I turned to Blue Voda (TOTALLY FREE) Website builder.  Although I had a f...
Who doesn't need a little push every now and then.  I have just viewed an awesome clip courtesy of "Walk The Talk".  I'm not sure if this has been around the block a few hundred times, but in case even just one of you hasn't seen it I thought I would post it and share.  Pretty powerful... click h...
Did I get your attention?  No, this is not a slam on Realtors. Just a little insight so stagers keep doing what we are doing.  Dane's post got me thinking.As for the lack of push from the majority of Realtors... 10 years ago I sold Real Estate in Durham Region, and at that time "Home Inspections"...

Marina Vazzana

CSP, Home Staging Oshawa and Durham Region
local_phone(905) 245-0272
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