Do you ever get to the point where you just feel overwhelmed, burnt out and have to sit back and re-focus? I realized this one day as I was driving home from the grocery store; that I needed to take a break from AR a bit to focus on business and my family. Of course, as a real estate virtual as...
I have a Big Thank You to Send! My first AR collaboration was a SUCCESS! When I got the call from a new client in the SF Bay Area...he explained he needed the works on a new listing. Having taken the back seat for a while in his Office he had received a new listing and decided to take it...howev...
OK, Who can deny that social networking is becoming a top tool for real estate professionals? Point 2 Agent launches a new partnership with Facebook. Facebook has over 30 million members with 150,000 joining every week. So...Point 2 is offerin...
One of the many benefits of working with real estate professionals is working with them on marketing strategies, and to help them in building their businesses. It is really amazing to me to see and meet such different personalities and see how they apply knowledge, experience etc. into their...
As a real estate virtual assistant, I am constantly looking for ways to improve my knowledge base and connect with people who can understand that technology, in terms of real estate, is a must. As a growing VA company, I've been starting to formulate my ideas for a training plan for not only ...
As I sit here writing this blog, I realize I'm writing this as a HOME SELLER who is lucky enough to have this venue to get some real advice, collective wisdom, and who knows, perhaps your words will help others too. So thanks in advance for your time.Here is the scoop. True Story as it unfolded ...
ActiveRain Alert! Active Rain is quickly becoming a very good resource to find a virtual assistant! Our new Group makes it easy!If you have been considering using a real estate virtual assistant for your business we now have a place that you may seek, find, and request a Virtual Assistant for y...
I love creative people. It's good to know creative people. I'd like to introduce Suzanne Stephens of We met on another forum, but after seeing her work I had to share. As a member of the Point 2 Agent Websites Group I thought it would be great to formally introduce her. Suzan...
Are you ready to read? I ran across some food for thought today. Bear with me..I'd like your thoughts... After reading Jeff Turners blog called Shift Happened in the Process Writing this Post I'm finding relevance in many things attributed to getting information and the changes that occur because...
Ok kids! If you look over to the right>>>> you will see under my profile a nice little widget for my blog. (Most of you know by now I am getting widget crazy) Not only can you customize your own blidget for your websites, blogs, and MySpace pages, but you can also promote your blidget to be sub...