Talk about a milestone! Please forgive me a head of time if this sounds like self-promotion..but well it is! I am honored to say that I have been chosen as the Featured REVA of the Month for the International Real Estate Virtual Assistants Association or the IREAA for short."The International R...
Communicating virtually can sometimes be a challenge! In today's technology driven real estate market the more efficient I can be at communicating, and explaining is vital to productivity, so yes, I'm always on the look-out for tools and techniques, and I found another one that I love, and final...
Listen Up, Californians! As of July 1, 2008 it will be illegal to talk on your cell phone while driving a motor vehicle, UNLESS you are using a hands-free device such as a blue-tooth. Drivers under the age of 18 cannot talk and drive period, even with a handsfree device. (I for one am very thank...
Have you ever just had one of those days...? This is dedicated to all of you creative Virtual Assistants out there! (My favorite team of clients just sent this to me;)If you have ever worked on a project or two where more than one opinion mattered then you can probably relate.Enjoy Your Wednesd...
Thriving, Healthy, Successful..These are the goals that many small business owners have for their businesses, me included!I've been spending a lot of my "me time" reading books that I can apply to my business, written by some of the best virtual assistants out there. Being a "real estate" virtu...
It never fails! You have a great new listing you are anxious to send out to your colleagues, and have a creative real estate flyer put together with photos, that really captures what you hope buyers will fall in love with. You send it as an attachment in your email to 200 agents, and's...
One thing I love about Active Rain is sharing ideas with like-minded friends, taking an idea and making it better, and sharing it with others. John Novak is one of those friends.Today I saw John Novak's post on Driveby Technologies and taking your property marketing mobile. Meaning, taking yo...
Photo by © Acilo OK Folks! Its time for another lesson in my Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Virtual Assistants Series. It's been a while since I've put out another part to this, and long over due. I am seeing questions and mis-information pop up all over the place an...
NEVER LET THEM SEE YOU SWEAT! Remember that deodorant commercial? It can be applied to so many areas in our businesses, you can't help but relate to it. I have to say that one of the many benefits of being a real estate virtual assistant, and owning my business is that I get to partner up with ...
Merging teams, starting a real estate team, what makes a good a team, organizing a real estate team, managing a good team. Yes, lots to think about. I bring it up because I'm starting a new journey and want you to be a part of it. I need your feedback, your help and your guidance. I am a real...