Happy New Year! As I reflect on all that we have accomplished on ActiveRain in 2008, I have to sit back in awe of the amount of growth in members, and in blogging talent! So much hard work has taken place in this challenging year and I have still learned so much and am anxious to learn more in 2...
Comments I just found this out! (Ok, I peeked at my present this year..:) Real Estate Webographers is offering a promotion in partnership with ZipForms to become a certified Real Estate Webographer for only $49.00...that is $150 off the normal price!If you have been looking for a program that deta...
Hi Guys! Ok...couples of reason I wanted to re-post one of my older blogs..1- Streamlining your systems, your marketing, and increasing productivity is still a MUST even in this market. 2- Even if you are down-sizing there are ways in which a real estate virtual assistant can help you achieve thi...
This one is a Doozie!! I know my past few posts have been about one cool tool or another, but trust me on this one too, as it is COOL! As many businesses such as Stagers, and Real Estate Virtual Assistants know, one of the first priorities to getting off the ground is to create a "brand" for you...
OK, I don't know about the rest of you, but I am on a quest to learn more about all of these video trends we are learning about here on AR, because frankly I only see it becoming more and more valuable to our businesses. As a real estate virtual assistant, I'm always trying to keep myself educat...
I'll make this quick, because that is what this tool is all about! When I work with agents on their listings, I'm almost always emailed the file of photos for our marketing, MLS, websites etc. Every so often I wil be emailed a HUGE file of photos that are extremly high resolution, and all need t...
I have to face it. I've moved no fewer than 12 times in 15 years, and I have lived all over California. And I'm getting ready to move AGAIN, BLECH... It's a good move, but well, it's MOVING. Its RELOCATING. I'm starting over fresh in a new city, so once again I've been in "starting over mode"......
Whoa This is BIG! (see below!)For Immediate Release: Real Estate Radio USA has extended an invitation to Real Estate Virtual Assistants, Laura Monroe of Creative Agent of California, and Jen Wilson of Agent Solutions of Calgary, to be the FIRST EVER GUEST Virtual Assistants on thei...
Yep! It happened! I threw out a question on my Twitter stream to @Mizzle asking about a property flyer headline written by a client that I questioned as a possible ethics code violation. Her immediate reply: I let my client know that I thought it might be a violation, and she quickly realize...
This is my short little shout out to my favorite printing company...Zzippes!Working as a real estate virtual assistant, one of my favorite aspects of my services is creating property flyers, Luxury brochures, postcards you name it. Because I do this virtually my clients have the option of using...