So you've heard about using a Real Estate Virtual Assistant, you've heard how its a great way to amp up your productivity and allow you to do more business. You've heard that you can use a VA only when you need one..sort of pay-as-you-go and that sounds like it actually might suit your budget. Al...
Hey, check this out this reminder. I wanted to pass this along! (this kind-of stuff is good to know...pass it on..) Also, if you do marketing for Real Estate Professionals in California make sure you have this info on hand for printed materials! Effective 7-1-2009!! SB1461 Disclosure of Lice...
If you don't know Rocky Turner you are missing out. When the frustration of the daily news makes you wonder why we can't accomplish more to help make this world a better place, log on to Mothers Fighting For Others and find out what this woman has done, and is doing not just for children in Afric...
This is so cool! It's no secret that syndicating your listings to as many places as possible is key to reaching buyers or sellers in the media that they are comfortable with. While I was doing some syndicating of listings the other day I was happy to notice that they now make it easy to add you...
Hey know I love you. I loved you for a long time. 3 Years in fact. You've allowed me to share my stuff with other resepected individuals and real estate professionals on this site. Because of all the real estate networking I've been exposed to all areas of real estate...Lending, Selling...
Delegating to a Real Estate Virtual Assistant doesn't have to be difficult or expensive! Welcome to Day Three of Outsourcing Ideas you can let your real estate VA handle for you! This is a quick and easy to read resource you can always come back to:) Delegation Day Three Problem: BLOGS: You n...
Delegation Day Two Problem: Your web-generated leads & past clients are not being properly followed up with, put into 8 X 8, 12 Direct, 33 Touch, or 5 or 10 Year Campaigns because you are too busy taking care of other day to day tasks. Before you know it you are back logged with leads who are n...
Welcome to Day One of the 10 Days of Outsourcing to Your Virtual Assistant! I'm going to coach you through the process of working with a VA by showing you a sample task you could send to your VA today to make your life easier and free up your time to work on the true business building tasks. So,...
Well..I did it..I recently downloaded Xobni (Inbox spelled backwards) and am really liking it! Xobni is a plug-in for Outlook that allows you connect to your contacts by having a super fast email search function, attached conversations, AND connect to them directly through Social Networking like...