As a blogger here on Active Rain it's obvious that we get excited over SEO, or free search engine optimization tips and tools that will make our lives easier. We put a lot of thought of thought into drafting and organizing posts that will help make our blogs easy to find by consumers using our ke...
I wrote this back in 2007, and have gottena kick out of seeing how far we've come as a community. I did leave AR for a while, wound down my blogging and have ventured more into Twitter and Facebook. But in doing so I realized that even though I love those tools, I'm not having quite as muc...
When potential clients are getting ready to relocate they start a search usually well in advance, and decide on a community before a home. Kevin and Monica have a brilliant way to create a community that comes alive online. They would be my first choice when it comes choosing an agent or referrin...
Thoughts of the Day... Colors and Branding. I love color. I'm also in the middle of changing up my branding and stumbled across this great little nugget. Although my colors have been chosen, now I at least know WHY I chose them..for how they made me feel. What do your colors say about you? Is thi...
I think Broker Bryant and I were on the same "Virtual" kick today. I couldn't let this one get by..because he get's it!! The Virtual Real Estate Office business model is here, andf those that embrace it will continue to evolve with the technology! Enjoy!Hi folks. Earlier this week Fernando Herbos...
FREE Cool Tool ALERT!Yes, It's that time again..the time where I jump on my blog in excitement, when my little fingers can't type fast enough to get the word out, about a cool new tool! As a real estate virtual assistant, not only am a booking my own consultations and appointments, I am often ...
Attention Real Estate Virtual Assistants... You are invited to attend this FREE teleclass about ActiveRain Real Estate Network sponsored by the REVA Institute. I am very excited to be hosting this class to spread the word about this great network, the WEALTH of real estate knowledge, the new ...
So I drove home from my second experience at RE Bar Camp in San Francisco with a bit of urgency..after experiencing some amazing sessions! When I walked out of Trulia Headquarters, I realized what I walked away with was not just "ideas" or "new technology" or "tips"..I walked away with some "in y...
Sometimes you learn the BEST info by keeping your eyes and ears glued to your Twitter stream.So here is another FREE TOOL ALERT! One of the things that has bugged me the most about creating a Twitter profile is the inability to make your links on your profile page clickable to your links..but ...
When I read Missy Caulk's post on Social Capital, I knew that we had been "mulling around" the same thing in our heads. I was introduced to Social Capital at the REBar Camp in LA by Ginger Wilcox and Andy Kaufman and now have word for this...which should never be an after-thought. Some of it come...