Around this time of the year, my KW "Parents" start getting together their ideas for things they would like to offer, share or give to their Sphere of influence. Is there anything that you do differently with you Sphere, than say the others that you market too? I'd like to know what sort of th...
How many times have you re-invented the wheel? How many times have you emailed the same documents, notes, photos etc. How many times have you made a list only to forget it, lose it, or wish you could share it w/someone else? I recently started Listing Coordination for a client in Nebraska, (I...
OK, this one may be long...please forgive me. Is it just me..? Maybe its my market, but it seems with this slower market, agents are getting lazy when it comes to the quality of marketing for their Listings; flyer boxes are empty, flyers are pathetic MLS print-outs, and seller's are complaining o...
I recently had a meeting with a wonderful gal, a Realtor/Broker that is building her business in Investment/ Commercial Properties nationally. We clicked right away..we have children the same age, live in the same town, etc, and even though she is successful, she i...
It's happening. Little by little its happening. It started with my Dad. A Fire Protection engineer from Phoenix all his life, he is building the home of his dreams in Sunflower, AZ. Its an Eco-friendly house. I can't remember all the details, but its hands down eco friendly. It's his
I'm getting ready to head into a slower time for my business, so I'm taking more time to look at my marketing plan, think about my future goals for next year etc. It's a good time to reflect, and re-touch on some basics, that we can all share, as business owners, and think about how to achieve t...
I've always been curious....How do agents choose their farm areas? Is there a certain recommendation from the company you've chosen, do you choose by sphere of influence contacts, your own neighborhood, locality to your home or office???? Do most of you choose more than 1 farm area??Also, what ...
Just like the Real Estate Market the relationship between a Realtor and their assistant(s) come in many forms, and take twists and turns along the way, some wonderful, some not so wonderful. Deciding to find an assistant, adding a new team member, downsizing in the changing market, can ...
Maybe you've been there, maybe not. But walking a room to network, knowing no one, exchanging nods and smiles, and maybe a few business cards. It all seems so unnatural to me, in fact it is. I went to my first Placer County Women's Council of Realtors meeting, and I stumbled around like an idio...
When I started as an RE Assitant, gosh, almost 4 years ago now, I had NO idea that there was actually a CAREER as a Virtual Assistant. I've devoured the information specific to real estate and to running a business. To be able to combine entrepreneurial motivation, add real estate, add not jus...