Craig Schiller's (craigschiller) Blog

Industry Observer
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home stager, professional real estate marketing "guru" and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.
Throughout the course of our lives we read and hear trillions upon trillions of words. But once in a great while, we come across words that somehow travel deep within to touch the core of our being... and illuminate what we hold as our truths.Yesterday, I came across these simple and profound wor...
Every Realtor knows that first impressions matter. So can I be honest here? (And this has bugged me about Active Rain from the start.) Active Rain's front door is UGLY. Yup UGLY! Yes, Yes I know it is fully "functional" door... but let's face it... its ugly. It has NO SNAP, NO WOW! NO... DANG I ...
If you have blogged, for ANY amount of time, you know it is an investment IN time. However, one of the "PERKS" I have found in blogging is it gives me a means to capture and articulate, in a concise manner, just what I do want to communicate to my clients. So now instead of saying someday I SHOUL...
Yesterday, April Fool's day, was a special day here in the Rain. It was a day that brought out the "Fool" in many. So if you like to smile, I thought I would pull together one of those of oh-so-famous and much enjoyed REVIEW posts... but, for this review compilation I got it easy, I just had to g...
On this day of frivolity (April Fools day), I hope this site does not go all "hell in a hand basket' on it's readers and members with silly jokes.This is a professional site, with professionals sharing and discussing professional topics about the VERY professional real estate industry.As professi...
Another POSTIVE reason why home sellers can benifit from Home Staging is because the fees for a staging services can be considered an advertising fee (See IRS Publication 523) and influence a seller's capitol gain or loss on a property that has been sold.What is IRS Publication 523 and what does...
While home staging does require being visually creative, it really is a bit of marketing and merchandising "trickery" that gets the job done. Unlike the practices of interior design, decorating or re-design, staging is about creating an illusion of a possible lifestyle within a particular house t...
 I know there are MANY milestones that are now taking place, almost daily, here on Active Rain. So with so many wonderful stories of success being shared, the power of just what this site is capable of has definitely been proven. AND, considering Active Rain is REALLY only just in its infancy, it...
I woke up this morning thinking about my recent (NBC) post and the many thoughtful, supporting and encouraging comments that were made by so many... that I just had to do something to show just how much I appreciate all of your kind and generous words. So this is my "collective Comment of Thanks"...
Today has been a day I will ALWAYS remember... and I have to thank ACTIVE RAIN for so very much of it.Yesterday morning I discovered that NBC-5 TV in Dallas had picked up one of my recent posts from my "Pretty Blog" (which is my AR blog slightly re-constituted) and posted it on the station's webs...

Craig Schiller

Contact The Author
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home staging professional, passionate real estate marketing professional and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.