Craig Schiller's (craigschiller) Blog

Industry Observer
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home stager, professional real estate marketing "guru" and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.
UPDATE ON PARTY DETAILS CAN BE FOUND HERE! MANGIA! MANGIA! and Celebrate Active Rain in Chicago-land this June 16th  Well the Rain Gods have spoken, (actually the Rain Goddess) and its official. Chicago is to be a celebration destination for Active Rain's 1 Year Anniversary Party Tour.The date fo...
I have read of the frustration that new Bloggers here on Active Rain have regarding not being able to "stand out" amongst the "power house" Bloggers who always seem to get all the attention. One thing I don't think new Bloggers see is that fact that many of the best-of-the-best Power Bloggers hav...
I have a selfish confession to make.While I hope others enjoy and find insight in the "Good Words" series... know that they are not just great quotes.  Today's words, are those of a concentration camp survivor Viktor Frankl. These words, of a man that lived through the worst, inspires and reminds...
Realtors, if you use home stagers, here is a point to ponder... Should an occupied property that HAS been staged be ADVERTISED as such? I bring this point up as I feel an educated Realtor is an empowered Realtor.So, before answering "YES" consider this... I personally think it is the LISTING REAL...
While away I have come to realize this... Whether one creates art or enjoys another's, art can create a small oasis in daily desert of our lives.One need not view nor create a grand masterpiece to be refreshed. My advice, look for the small droplets of art that rain daily.  For more "Good Words" ...
There comes a time when the best we can do and the best we can be is "growing".Sometimes, this "best way" is to travel to another place and to another way.So off I go... for the first time in over 5 years. A new place and a new way.Bye for now...Me For more "Good Words" Click Here to see others t...
Once you have written a blog, for any amount of time, it's inevitable that you come to a point where you search for that one "right word" that clearly conveys exactly what you are trying to say. Finding the right words is critical to communicating a message... and ultimately establishing one's cr...
While it was NOT the intent of my initial post entitled "Was Barb Schwarz the 'INVENTOR' of Home Staging"... somehow this post did cause issues to swirl to the surface. And in all this there lies a lesson for ANYONE who writes a blog.So first let's talk about MY PERSONAL PURPOSE for writing that ...
As we travel down our path in life, sometimes challenges and the chores distract and divert us from what we hold as true. Quite often, and for some odd coincidence, we then stumble upon a messages that can instantly redirect us back on what really is our track. At least that is the way it is for ...
Each year large builders and developers all across the nation invest millions of dollars to build, design and install lush & lovely model homes. Why? It is pretty simple. Models sell homes. As you'd expect, a model is a great tool to help a buyer understand just how to configure and fit furnitur...

Craig Schiller

Contact The Author
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home staging professional, passionate real estate marketing professional and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.