Craig Schiller's (craigschiller) Blog

Industry Observer
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home stager, professional real estate marketing "guru" and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.
Sharing a Helen Keller quote is a full circle moment in life. I can remember, as a child of about 10 years old, first learning of her in school. Helen Keller became the first inspirational hero I would deeply connect with.It has been many years since I read Helen's words... but WOW.This woman saw...
This past 2 weeks have been a fast ride of ups and downs.  And while the ups are fun... the downs can be paralyzing.I have learned that at times when my life seems to bring more more than I wanted, needed or understand.My first inclination is to resist, only to later find that which is so painful...
Well this house now sits empty once again... but for a couple of days last week it was MAGICALLY TRANSFORMED (as these photos show).  Last weekend was the culmination of over a years worth of "staging" event preparation. For one weekend a small army of people came together and donated their time,...
One of the interesting dynamics about Active Rain is that it is a COMMUNITY of bloggers. Daily thousands of people log-on to read and learn from and of each other.However while your blog informs, it might also inspire and/or provoke another blogger to write more. That "MORE" might be more about w...
Recently, while on vacation, I read the ancient book of strategic wisdom called "The Art of War." If you have not read it, don't be deceived by the title.These few Good Words, quoted here, reminds us that wrath can return no true joy. It is always superior to win over hearts with kindness and wis...
This is a story that bears repeating... I know I have blogged before about how important good photography is to tell your own story but now I have proof as to how it can help you tell a BIGGER story.National print media uses the web as a means to find good photos to use in conjunction with the fe...
I have learned that mentioning Barb Schwarz's name in a blog is like taking a match to gasoline. This is my reply to one of the last comments posted in my last blog post entitled: Will Staging Biz Book Hitting Shelves (this week) Hit the Target? I think my own comment bares repeating here to a bi...
Well, I couldn't have planned it better if I tried. But considering my last post, about the difficulties of owning a home staging business, the fact that Barb Schwarz is releasing a new book this week entitled "Building a Successful Home Staging Business" is timed perfectly.Just what will this bo...
In my readings of this week I came across these few simple words that touched me.When I say "touched" I mean they stopped me for a moment and made me think. When this happens I knew these are the words that I should share here.So... Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers here in the Rain... and to you...
With each passing week I receive emails with questions from stagers asking me how to approach and solve a myriad of issues and challenges facing them and in their staging business. Some of these are issues QUITE complex and take MORE than just a quick email response. Unfortunately as I work on gr...

Craig Schiller

Contact The Author
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home staging professional, passionate real estate marketing professional and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.