Lately I have been spending a few extra hours playing in the Rain.I've come to learn that it doesn't take much to see which posts will make a "splash" and which will be just "drips" in this big puddle. The key to all GOOD writing, whether it is a novel, screen play or even a blog, is originality.
Revealing how I approach and how I actually study what I see working with my blogging here in the Rain is what this post is all about. (Its NOT about the goofy picture to the left... that is just to make you smile a bit.)First I know that blogs that have fresh original industry related content re
I swear EVERYONE, at this past weekend's Midwest West Celebration for Active Rain, wanted to know the answer to the GREAT mystery.... How does Active Rain make money? People even were grilling ME (as if I had an inside scoop). But like I told them... ask Matt. So sorry, you won't find that JUICY
Buddha should have been a blogger on Active Rain. His "good words" from long ago are quite relivant to that which we write of and share in this community we call the "Rain".Even publishing our words as "Members Only" does not release of of the responsibility of what we write and what we say.It is
I woke up this morning and that headline was in my head. I guess it was there because I went to bed thinking about all the controversy that has swirled around and in Stage It Forward... for the last couple days. If you feel like an outsider that missed all the action... here is a link to all the
So, I just finished being the guest judge for this week's Carnival of Real Estate. Some really great and informative winning posts for this week's contest can be found here on my "pretty" blog: Judging for Real Estate Blogging Award Ain't Just Easy as Black & White.But that is not what I want to
I have been in the Rain long enough to see NEW voices rise up from nowhere and be heard.When I read of the frustration others have when it comes to being "heard" in the Rain, I just want to encourage them all to... Work on your "voice"! With practice it will come and you will be heard.So when I f
With this post I have gone over the 100k Point. How befitting to reach this milestone with this post. While I did not time it as such, (I actually thought it would be this Friday with a Good Word Series post.) this post really does make this special for me ... because this post is about the Stage
A few weeks back I posted an announcement of the soon to be released book by Barb Schwarz (grand dame' of home staging) entitled: "Building a Successful Home Staging Business."So I now have read Barb's new book and here is my promised "Book Review". First, while I did not agree with everything sh
Don't FORGET the PAR-TAY RAIN CLOUD is moving to the MIDWEST on June 16th! We picked a site that would be easy to access from surrounding states of Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa. In my original announcement post I pretty much knew none of the details.BUT!!! No we've finalized the location