Just a quick update...This past August 4th the Stage It Forward (SIF) widget was created & released.Since then, I am happy to report, it has been doing well and is attracting a nice amount of attention in the way of clicks. 2,176 clicks to be exact!Considering it is just the first 10 days this is
Who says blogging on Real Estate industry topics does NOT get you noticed?This is a tale that stresses the importance of and reason for finding your own blog voice and sharing your own voice. Recently, I was approached by Design Talk, an amazingly popular on-line consumer oriented design site, wi
With Stage It Forward on the Go and on the Grow... I thought it might be good to have yet another new FREE "toy" for members to use to show their affiliation to one of the busiest groups on Active Rain.This new "toy" is a custom widget... which is a little tool that you can add to any blog or web
This week I sought out the words of another to help put into context the fact that someone felt slighted by my actions... or rather the lack of. I've come to know that we all are learning, and adapting and growing beings. Sometimes it takes time for our actions to catch up to our learning. And, u
One of the things that makes Stage It Forward such a thriving and active group here in the Rain is the fact that the Moderator position is passed to someone new each month. Each month what is featured in the group as the "best to be read" for the day is selected by a different person with a diffe
With more and more stagers entering the industry... I think it is important that they get a real understanding as to just what it takes to run a staging business.Many stager's have been coached to stage with what the seller already has in the way of furnishings and decorative accessories (props).
Because we are such a diverse country, it is likely that as professionals working in the Real Estate industry, the opportunity for us to work with clients and colleagues that are "different" from us will arise. At some point in our careers, we will be challenged to work with and around these diff
Politics and the 4th of July go hand and hand. So for this week's Good Words I wanted to pick words I believe are an American truth. Unfortuently at times, no matter how truthful words are, they just are not heard.This is because regardless of who speaks the truth, we often will first filter it t
Home stagers... I didn't want to make a big stink about this, but I am thrilled to announce another staging training & certification course is now available to you. While I know you all are well trained staging professionals and have already worked hard at learning the foundational basics in the
When I was a kid I used to watch the Popeye cartoon on TV. (To be honest I don't even know if it is on anymore or if the strip even runs in news papers.)Anyway, one of the cartoon's secondary characters was named Wimpy. While Wimpy was a sweet harmless loveable oaf, he also had a problem... he ha