Craig Schiller's (craigschiller) Blog

Industry Observer
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home stager, professional real estate marketing "guru" and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.
So if you have not figured it out yet... I have a BIG mouth. I would rather share what I know and NEW THINGS I have learned about staging then hold it as a trade secret. WHY?  Because the staging industry is young and the faster we all share what we learn the better realtors are helped, seller's ...
    Here is a set of Before & After pictures of a TOTALLY VACANT property we staged back in mid June and un-staged today. IT DID NOT SELL. WHY? Was it because staging really does not help? SOME nay-sayers might (and will) jump to that conclusion. I happen to have experienced far too many POSTIVE ...
While many stagers talk a lot about cleaning, depersonalizing, decluttering and rearranging a home, which ARE important aspects of what we do, there is another area a GOOD stager will focus attention on and find solutions for... home repairs.Much like a buyer, the moment a real estate stager step...
Much has been asked about the power of blogging here on Active Rain.  People want to know if it is "worth" it? They want to know if blogging generates business... will it make them more money?Well in order to make money your blog first be seen… and it looks like my words are being seen by others....
To all you sending me emails wondering why I shut my mouth... THANK you for your concern. When you have a type A personality it is hard to allow yourself time to get away. But this weekend I did. I followed Eileen Landau's fine example and traveled over to Galena Illinios for a long weekend. (Act...
Who have you meet professionally that really impresses you and are glad you met?Well here is my “touching” story…For me it is Kim Ashely here in Chicago.  I had bumped into Kim a couple times at various real estate luncheons... and I basically steered clear of her. WHY? Well my company, Real Esta...
    Well from the looks of if... 5 different people so far. So there is NOT a lot written about the subject as of yet.  I happen to own all but have only read 4 of the 5 books listed here so far.  And I gotta admit... not all staging books are the same. I am actually surprised to say that the ONE...
My answer is... EITHER. NEITHER. BOTH.  Cindy Lin, a new stager here on AR commented on one of my previous blogs.  Cindy summed up her desire for training and her training experience well when she said,  "granted the talent of staging is not teachable, but business models and skills are. i went t...
 Well, I personally want to welcome Active Rain's 100th Stager: Maureen Henry of Rockland Home Staging.Being #100 is truely is a milestone for stagers here on AR... who currently expirience a ratio of 40:1 when you compare realtors to stagers here on AR.Realtors... more and more stagers are out t...
While there are a few books out there that talk about real estate staging. I still feel there is room for a more comprehensive discussion. I have been working on my own staging book and am PROUD to début the cover HERE on ACTIVE RAIN.  For marketing purposes (so that I am better able to connect w...

Craig Schiller

Contact The Author
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home staging professional, passionate real estate marketing professional and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.