Craig Schiller's (craigschiller) Blog

Industry Observer
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home stager, professional real estate marketing "guru" and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.
Being a stager can put us in a "funny spot" with sellers. After working in a seller's homes and transforming them in ways they never consider... sellers REALLY starts to TRUST us.Stagers need to be very careful. While you may be asked... a stager should NEVER suggest what a property should be lis...
I am a stickler for words. (Pardon the pun.) But something has been bothering me since I first started my own home staging company. It has to do with referring to ourselves as "Home Stagers" Is that the best way to describe ourselves? Is being a "Home" Stager actually what we are? Does that term ...
We all have been there... worked hard on a blog early on in our Active Rain blog careers only to see them fizzle and go nowhere. You know the blog... the one that was well thought out, well written, sharing your wisdom and insight. BUT once posted somehow it went nowhere and just to become a drip...
So I have been back for a week from my trip to China...and what a trip it was. While I went there because the  professional merchandising/design advice of "me" was needed, the personal "me" was impacted.Since returning I have been asked questions like: "How was it?" "Did you have a nice time?"  "...
Active Rain has given me a platform from where I can share my voice. So I get a LOT of stagers asking for my advice, my help, my thoughts and I am honored and humbled... and a bit frustrated. I am “frustrated” because I see a huge need and want to help. There is so much that can and needs to be d...
With nearly 170 Real Estate Stagers now listed here on Active Rain I tend to only have time to "check out" those who have jumped further in the puddle and participate more fully by blogging and commenting.Recently I stumbled upon Jessica Hughes of Ambiance Staging. a new stager that I believe ha...
Well for the second time this week one of my blogs has been “hit” with a comment from someone outside Active Rain. This time the anonymous comment hit a blog I posted way back on August 10th entitled Stepping on "accredited/certified” stager’s toes…And while I could let just the anonymous comment...
When I posted my “Little Orphan Rodney” blog this morning I never thought it would create such a firestorm of comments.I been so inspired by the spirit of kindness and generosity on Active Rain that I try hard to make my voice here be a voice of inclusion, a voice a sharing… with a dash of humor....
Lately I have been getting a lot of email from stagers that are frustrated with the response they have been getting from the real estate community. Basically they are surprised that realtors are not flocking to them with open welcoming arms and lavishing them with clients. Compared to mortgage br...
When should a realtor, who considers themselves to be a stager, bring in a professional real estate stager?  In my opinion it really comes down to 3 key elements: TIME, TALENT, & TREASURE.  A keen and rich knowledge of these basic 3 elements and a system for implementing and administering them is...

Craig Schiller

Contact The Author
These are the creative writings of Craig Schiller, a home staging professional, passionate real estate marketing professional and founder of the Real Estaging, one of the nation's leading home staging companies.