The Real Estate Copywriting Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Marte Cliff Copywriting
Thoughts, ideas, insights, and tips on writing for real estate - from a former real estate broker turned real estate copywriter.
Back in 2019 Sally and David Hansen issued a marketing challenge in which agents across the country shared their best ideas. Then I wrote a blog post about the results they got. I just re-read that post and decided that the ideas were just as good today as they were nearly 6 years ago. So - click...
We greet each other with “Happy Thanksgiving,” but how often do we stop to think about it – and to really give thanks? And why do we limit it to just one day each year? We need to practice gratitude every day.I know. Sometimes it is hard. Things go wrong a lot. People get sick. We lose people and...
No matter which side of the political fence you're on, if you're watching TV news you're hearing an uproar about the words that the political candidates, their campaign surrogates, and their supporters are using.Today it's all about whether Joe Biden intended to say a plural or a possessive word ...
This one is a blast from the past - a blog post I wrote in 2016 that seems just as valid today. See what you think:This tip is related to a real estate sales tactic from way back – one I tried in person, but never in writing. It was part of an article I'd read entitled "7 scientifically backed co...
As usual, my email this morning brought links to many articles, including one about the election that made me laugh out loud. The article started sounding strange early on - just little things that were odd about the phrasing. Then it stated:"...26% of black voters are going for the former presid...
Yes, this is a difficult real estate market, and many will drop out this year. But those who persist, and even ramp up their marketing, will prosper. Just ask those agents who worked through the last 2 or 3 real estate downturns!  "Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent wi...
Many agents feel that they’ve really “made it” when they can look at the past year’s transactions and see that the majority of them came from repeat clients and referrals.It’s a sign that your past clients have confidence in you – you’re doing a job you can be proud of.So how do you get those rep...
I don't watch TV very much, so this ad may have been running for a long time and I just started seeing it recently. And, to tell the whole truth, I'm quite often hearing the TV from another room, and I haven't seen the beginning yet. What caught my eye - or rather my ear - was a statement at the ...
“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” — Mark Twain  Stay away from them and gravitate toward encouragers. Then - BE an encourager yourself. Everyone will benefit.  ...
It isn't easy to sell houses when they aren't for sale! Based on annualized predictions using the number of homes sold in the first half of this year, the number sold in 2024 will be 37% lower than the number sold in 2021.To compare: 2021: 6.12 million homes sold in total. 2022: 5.03 million 2023...