Are you like many buyers who have heard that buying a foreclosure property can be a way to get a REALLY good deal on a home purchase? Are you considering shopping for a foreclosure house in the Olympia area? There are several things to know right up front to avoid unpleasant surprises. An Oly
When you decide to buy a house in the Olympia area, it is a very exciting feeling - and tempting to jump right into the house hunt process full blast and go look at some houses. But first, it is important to get preapproved if you will be borrowing money to buy that dream house. Really, reall
Yesterday was one of those crazy busy days, and last night I realized that today was really, really likely to also be kind of a whirlwind. So I resolved to get an extra early start, and see if I couldn't pull off a miracle and maybe get all the essentials done by midday so I could take a little
There is a wonderful free event coming up for any Olympia area families who are seeking information about preschools and private schools in the area. It's the fourth annual Olympia Private School and Preschool Fair - a terrific resource for area families! This event is hosted by Olympia Community
Our Olympia area inventory of homes for sale has been shrinking over the last several months, and so I am likely not the only agent who has told my buyers that more homes will show up on the market after the holidays. OK - that is what usually happens.... But I am not really seeing any signifi
Probably it has happened to all of us who work with buyers hunting for homes to buy. The house they want gets snapped up by some other buyer. Or the amount the buyer is willing to pay and the amount the seller is willing to sell for don't exactly line up. Or a short sale lender does not approv
The end of December is always when my car license tabs are due for renewal, and this year I was also scheduled to get new license plates. Washington state requires new plates periodically - to make sure the reflective material on them is still in good shape (and/or to raise more money....). So n
Like many others, the end of the year always puts me in a contemplative mood. And it seems like nature always serves to illustrate and underscore the emotions going through my mind as this year winds down and we gear up for 2013. I am so grateful to live in the beautiful Pacific NW where the win
Having Christmas fall on a Tuesday this year means many people are making a four day weekend of it. Or even five day if the traffic on the roads all day Friday is any indicator! I was pretty sure not much real estate business would be happening yesterday or today, but did get an email last night