Here are some simple, big energy and money saving adjustments we can make to green our homes. Eric Corey Freed, the author of Green Building & Remodeling for Dummies shares what we should do first to easily green our homes and save on electric and water bills. Cut Out Vampire PowerVampire loads,
Looking for a new home? This can be a great opportunity for you reduce your ecological footprint. Look beyond the décor and consider the location, size and style of your house and take advantage of government grants for home energy audits for a resale home or a new EnergyStar home. 1. Find a Gree
It's Time for Homeowners to be Accountable The original news release is posted on my site am using quotes from the release and supplementing with my comments from the view of a Green Realtor." News Release: Two Thirds (65%) of Ontario Homeowners Oppose McGuinty
How to Buy a Green HomeLooking for a new home? This can be a great opportunity for you reduce your ecological footprint. Look beyond the décor and consider the location, size and style of your house and take advantage of government grants for home energy audits for a resale home or a new EnergySt
As Ontario leads the way towards mandatory home energy audits with other Canadian provinces not far behind, we can learn from the experience of United Kingdom where they have reported quite a bit of success with their programs and are already in the process of planning for zero carbon homes. In t
At a recent seminar I attended about Green Real Estate, I heard about the challenges some home-sellers faced when they tried to sell energy efficient features of their home. These sellers received zero dollar value for a $35,000.00 solar energy system on the resale of their homes! The buyers were
Two programs for energy savings include rebate of 50% of the cost of a home energy audit and up to $10,000 in rebates for the eco-energy Retrofit program. The Ontario Home Energy Savings Program is an energy conservation program from the Government of Ontario. A Home Energy Audit identifies impro
Great news for Canada's response to energy conservation, a new Canadian Act called the Home Energy Rating Act is still in parliament and if passed this new act will require that Home Energy Report will be required that evaluates the energy efficiency of a building when it is sold or rented. This
The recent federal budget outlined a new tax credit that will provide assisstance for homeowners to renovate their homes. From January 28, 2009 to Februaury 10, 2010, Canadian homeowners can claim a 15%, non-refundable tax credit for eligible expentures after a $1,000,00. minium to an expenditure
As a member of the National Association of Green Agents and Brokers I am dedicated to Green Real Estate. Energy Saving Tp # 1 Replace all your light switches with Lutron eco-switches, available at Home Depot and save an impressive 15% electricity!